Any Words of Wisdom on the AUD/USD jump over the last few days

Just would like to hear peoples thoughts :slight_smile:

interest rates went up 0.25% last week, but more over the unemployment rate dropped 0.3% and 40k new jobs were created (economists were predicting decline) - resources boom is continuing on. Highly likely interest rates will rise again november 4th and even again in December…all points to higher australian dollar - maybe parity by the end of the year.
what do you reckon? - it was nudging $1us dollar before the collapse last year.
The reserve bank of australia has made a 4.4billion dollar profit on this rise cause it was forced into buying the dollar as everyone was selling in the exaggerated over reaction last year in australia

Gold is rising.
USDX showed a breakdown of it’s key support range in the last 48 hours.

yes, I think gold is why. It’s hit over £700 an ounce here in the uk in the last week. 4 - 6 weeks ago I could have picked up an ounce for just under £600

it is been going up for sometime now and there is no sign of retracment yet,i wonder when it will retrace ?

When liquidity is drained from markets expressing itself in a correction of equity markets.

When that will be…? I don’t know. If it ever happens…? I don’t know.

I don’t think the FED knows it either. :smiley: