Which platform is the best platform?

I am using fxopen platform demo account. Please tel me which platform is the best?


The best platform for you is the platform you like best!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

As you will see when you continue learning forex, the best platform for you is up to many things. But the most important factors may be:

  1. The strategy you use (For example Tymen’s candlestick trading strategy don’t really fits many platforms)
  2. The broker you like (different brokers usually provide diffrent platforms)
  3. Comfort level. Indicators usage, colours manegement and other things should fit for you.

And there are many more things that should be considered when choosing a good platform, so for now my advice is to keep learining, testing and time will show what fits best for you :slight_smile:

Thank you, Albinas

Not a very helpful answer, but I have to agree.
Test several different ones out and make your own decision. There’s no shortcut.

I agree exactly!! :slight_smile: :wink: :wink:

For trading platform, metatrader 4 is best choice and for broker i recommended some, its Liteforex broker, fbs broker, roboforex, and fxcm broker.

If you go with fxcm, take Trading Station 2 (desktop). It is a killer.

I use ThinkOrSwim but broker with my bank (Charles Schwab) so I don’t have to wait for ACH times. Forces me to be disciplined in my entries because it’s not like I can just easily move it on the platform.