Forex Broker Taking Questions

Hello, my name is Jesse and I am new to the forums. I am a NFA registered Series 3 broker with FastBrokers and I am happy to take questions or give non trading advice. Please post your questions to this thread or PM me.

Thanks and happy trading!

Best regards,
Jesse Richards

Now youve got the plug out the way :smiley: I hope you genuinely mean what you state… there is a real need on BP for experienced traders. Hope to see you stick around and give good advice.

R Carter,

Thanks for the reply!

I may not have all the answers but I am happy to give my opinion. I am a big fan of the Baby Pips school and I direct quite a few clients there to start their forex journey.

Please feel free to ask any questions, if I cannot answer your question, I will try my best to point you in the right direction.

Thanks again and happy trading!

Best Regards,

Nope cant think of anything at present but you might try drifting around a few threads… theres always lots of good questions.

Just thought of one… are you a trader at your broker? If so I’ve lots of questions. :slight_smile: