UK Forex Tips

Hey guys,

I’ve been studying FX for a good while now and am on the verge of opening a demo account…

i was just wondering if anyone can recommend any UK based brokers as well as state their reasons for recommendation.

any other tips you feel like chucking at a newbie, feel free!


been with them for a few years now ,
They are quite good :

  1. Account
    Deposit , withdrawal (cheque, bank transfer , credit card) all is promptly processed . Deposit in 24 hours , withdrawal via cheque and credit card are no charge.

  2. Oder execution
    I dont have any problem. once in a while (veryyyy rareeely) the system can’t log on but simply quit the program and restart – all sorted… I think they have MT4 platform too.

  3. Any other issue
    I contacted them via email and they always reply within 24 hours , not bad.

  4. chart
    I dont like their charting program with the fxstation, better the free one on dailyfx

cmsuk and gftuk are also pretty good i heard ,

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

Another vote for FXCM, I’m only using a micro account at the moment and have been since last September/October and had no problems really. Also the bonus of being able to do spreadbetting with them so I’m at least used to their charting etc

cheers guys,

i shall look in2 them…