Navigating the Forum

As a new person to this forum and Forex as I spend time on newbie island while I study at the school what are the best ways of navigating round these pages. There seem to be hundreds of pages and thousands of replies. All the questions I want to ask will have been asked many times before. How do I drill down to find these questions? Thanks

Hello, Mark

Welcome to the forum!

There is no “table of contents” or “index” to the various forums, here on the Babypips site.

But, there is a robust “search” engine. You’ll find the “search” box in the upper right on this page, and on every forum page.

Experiment with the search feature, and see what you can discover.

Here’s an example:

Suppose you have a question about how to determine position size. You could post a question here on Newbie Island and then wait, maybe for hours, for someone to answer your question. Or…

You could just type “position size” in the “search” box, and the search engine will return 51 pages containing about 500 individual posts in which “position size” is mentioned.

Those 500 posts cover all of the forums here on the Babypips site, so you don’t have to search each forum separately.

With some practice, you’ll learn how to scan the search results for the posts most likely to address your particular questions.

Here’s another way to find stuff:

Suppose you recall that a particular member, say Sweet Pip, wrote something recently that you want to re-read, but you don’t have a suitable keyword to search with.

Just find any one of Sweet Pip’s posts, and left-click on her screen-name. On the drop-down menu that appears, select
"Find all posts by Sweet Pip", and you will get a listing of everything she has posted, in chronological order.

That should get you started.

Thank you for the quick response