Leverage and Margin


I have been quite confused about leverage and margin. How does it affect me? Will I lose all my deposit and even owe the broker money if I were to use such options? Please kindly advise. :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Hello, Ed. Welcome to the Forum.

There are three questions which keep coming up, over and over again, on this Forum. Your question is one of the three.*

Margin and leverage are addressed in detail in the [B]Babypips School.[/B] How many times have you studied that section of the School?

Your question about margin and leverage has been answered, over and over again, by many different veterans on this Forum. Have you used the [B]SEARCH[/B] feature (upper right corner of every Forum page) to find all those previous answers? Try keywords [B]margin[/B], and [B]leverage[/B], and [B]margin and leverage[/B] — it works very much like google.

*The other two are “What is the best broker?”, and “How much money do you guys make?”

As for brokers, each person must answer that one for him/herself.

And the third question is a waste of time, because there is no way to verify the answers you get.

In addition I can recommend open a demo account. There you can see that all in action without any risk for your money.