Newbie. This is my first post! I have only one question for you.
Why is forex trading difficult in general? Afterall, the price can move in only two ways; UP or DOWN! That should be good news, right?
Hmmmm. You want to tell me you cannot find a flawless strategy that will win in every market condition?

The way, I see it, since most people lose their money trading, why do not they trade against their original thoughts! For example, you know that u win 3/10 of the time when trading. So, why do not you paper-trade your original thought and then real-trade the opposite of your original thought? Since the probability you will lose on paper is 7/10, one can safely say, the probability you will win in real-time is 7/10. CRAZY IDEA!

Ok. I am new to BP forums but not new to forex-trading!

I will post, the opposite trades of a system that loses always. Let us see, if trading against the system will help us win.
It should be interesting!
I hope, what I am about to do is ok.

System parameters:
Maximum SL = 100 PIPS. (70% of the time, the system fails. SL takes 100 pips away)
Least SL = 50 pips. (95% of the time, the system fails)

This is true for all currency-pairs!

1st Signal In!

USDCHF: Go Short. (0.89034)
SL = 50PIPS (0.89534
TP =<0.8842

If Win% was the only factor in determining a trader’s profitability, then it would make sense to do the reverse of their trades. It’s not, though, so there’s no guarantee of seeing any better performance.

You didn’t say what losing system you are using…keeping it secret? LOL! If I may try and save you the trouble of going crazy lol…learn what moves price. Supply and demand…not indicators or anything else. Google it.

Now, it seems we did not have to wait very long for the first result. We traded against the losing system.
Here is the trade:
1st Signal In!

USDCHF: Go Short. (0.89034)
SL = 50PIPS (0.89534
TP =<0.8842

USDCHF @ 0.88372. Now.

lol Since you didnt state your strategy for entering. I am going to speak from my own personal experience and offer a word of caution. When I fist began trading I was always good at finding highs and lows just I always traded in the wrong direction. So yeah if I would have took the other side of my trade I would have been profitable and the thought did cross my mind many times and still do from time to time lol. There is a reason market makers take the other side of your trade. Since most traders fail and wont make it long term then they might aswell profit as much as they can off you while they can. Here is where I will caution you though as you progress as a trader the market environment changes and you must adapt to the market. Now as you tweek your system as time goes by you are subconsciously weather you like it or not getting better at your strategy as long as you stick with it. So what was once a loosing strategy and eventually become a winning strategy and if you are still takeing the other side as you strategy you will loose. So in short term prospective yeah I could see you being right after market makers are market makers for a reason. But long term I think you are asking for trouble.

This will be inspirational …


No signal, from this point onwards. Peace! I do not expect to receive a new signal, so till next trading cycle, I am moving on to :51:

Yeah you are probably going to want to take the other side of your trades then. You are destined to become a millionaire lol.


So, you wait all day for a crap system to throw out a signal, to trade against it?

Your waisting time, Instead of Mastering a system that does work…

Hey, to each their own, have fun…