How to find fundamental analysis

hi where offers the latest analysis or best economic data? just ive search through sites upon sites and just ended up going in circles on where to find fundamental analysis! thanks for replies

There are many places online to get good fundamental analysis. Most forums and dealers have a fundamental analysis section.
Piponomics - Forex Blog: Economic News & Indicators for FX Trading is especially good imo.

Most forex books will tell you the most important economic indicators. Kathy Lien and all her books are very good. She is an expert on forex fundamentals. And of course you can follow them here
Forex Calendar: Economic Calendar for FX Trading News & Event Risk

For background information on countries/economies the CIA World Factbook is good.

These are just some resources. There are many many others.

try forex factory

thanks guys

timothyblack235 is right, in most forums there is a separate section for fundamental analysis. In Babypips, Fundamental-ville is for such analysis.