If you WANT GUARANTEED 30 PIPS ...BUY GBP usd Now for 15869

if you WANT GUARANTEED 30 PIPS …BUY GBP/USD Now for 15869 its midnight gmt.
sell tomorrow at some stage for above 15899 possibly 50 pips …ignore the swings.
just trust me on this one

cheers .

… Your expecting others to put potential hard earned cash into a trade to which you provide no facts or reason as to why you think it’ll happen?

yes…then when they make the deals or even just see the deals happening…then ill make my move…the move is to secure a postion as a junior fx trader for a decent organisation in london.

Thirty pips ought to cement that quickly.
I’m sure anyone would be impressed with that stellar performance.

thats just the beginning…better than losing thirty pips twang…haha

You haven’t got your thirty yet…

Where’s your stop? And what’s your risk/reward for this trade? The pros are gonna want to know their money is at least somewhat safely managed.
An open trade with no stop will guarantee you never get a seat in a brokerage house. Even a junior one.

Not even a kiddy chair with a phone book under it.

dont expect to get my 30 for some time yet …but truth is i bought in at 15869…i expect it to run until 15919 minimum really…but may get out at 15899…so there are more than 50 pips in it for the greedy and the brave…but an easy 30 pips for the more cautious…set your stops to suit your kahoonas.

Im still learning and playing with a demo account, and even i wouldn’t risk my [I]fake[/I] money on this :slight_smile:

Your guaranteed 30 is now a long ways off.

Moral of the story: The market could care less about your expectations.

Will it go up and hit your targets? Most assuredly. Maybe tomorrow, maybe next week… Maybe next year. But to look for 30 when you’re now 70 in the hole upside down from your entry, means something ain’t quite right.

How much will you risk to be “right”? Instead of just simply being in a trade the “right way”?

Any more tips?? You were 100% right! Unfortunately I didn’t see it until after the event so didn’t make all that money.

Now this thread has given me a laugh today, good on you eblip.

OOPS! should have spent your money on a toaster :wink:

Like this?

HA HAR…ILL BE BACK…in fact i already am.

Today was just e blip eh? :wink:

Useless Info

Nice paint job

Bah… missed the fun AGAIN! On my FB profile I have a favourite quote… ‘if you want a gaurantee in life, buy a toaster’… eek! But not that one PP! :smiley:

Yeah, advice I picked up from an old rugby playing pit trader.

thanks :smiley: