Starting from zero?


I recently moved to northern BC, canada, for work.

As there’s not much to do here, I was wasting some time on the internet and I noticed some people talking about forex, I figured I could look into it.

I opened a “demo account” on a broker website called “FXCAST” and downloaded their platform, though I don’t understand how it works.

I therefor need more information to get started, googling arround didn’t serve me good up to now, so I though posting on this forum could have some people help me understand what I wanted to know.

1: How do the “Volume” parameter works?
2: How does the S/L – T/P works?
3: What’s the difference between instant execution and pending order?
4: What is the difference between buy and sell?
5: What does the graph actually tells you? I saw some people selling some third party auto-trading applications for thousands of dollars and saying they came with the best trend analysis application…?

Please point me out good articles to read, I have plenty of time to get through this so any feedbacks on this would be welcome.


Start with this: School of Pipsology

Graduate school, read a few more books about various aspect of tradings: Candlestick, pattern, psychology,… after doing all that, come back here to report.

Whatever you do don’t press button 1, 2 and 5 together on the third Tuesday of the month when the New York Session opens, you will crash the market. But don’t worry, that’s just a fault within MT4, I hear the technicians are working on fixing this as we speak,

See, if I said something like that, I’d get trolled… =/ LOL

It’s ok, im just enjoying my final days of being a ‘Senior Member’ :stuck_out_tongue:
Then I have to be all serious

to simplify …
if you look at the diagram.
it is clearly a BUY.

in all serious mate jump onto this thread…click here

Haha, grats on your 500 posts!

Now, go outside and play with the other kids.

BUT, play nice. :slight_smile: