Inner Circle Trader's ForeXmas 2012


The Tradition Continues… :60:

Greetings ICT,

I hope everyone in your life is safe, happy and in the best of health :slight_smile:

Sadly I am currently moving house due to my new job so my lack of internet connection has meant I have missed out on many of your latest videos. But I am still following along and I am looking forward to getting back into the habit of watching all of your videos.

Hard to believe that the Christmas season is almost upon us again. But such is life. It only moves forwards :slight_smile:

Hope all on the East coast ride out the storms safely.




Space filler for minimuim requirements.

Cant believe i missed this! Cant wait :slight_smile:

Thank you ICT for your ultruisitic nature…I hope I can do the same one day for others…!

ICT you have restored my faith to humanity…:35:

There is only 20 days left until ForeXmas 2012 begins.

[B]GLGT[/B] :57:

I am in this epic thread. :59:

Can’t wait! Thank you ICT for all your help!

Look forward to your new thread! Thank you for everything!

Sighting to be on board. I already mentioned how very excited I was for this upcoming series of education. If I am not mistaken , from what the man him self gave away and it was not much, but enough for me to think that this well be epic.!!! It amazes me how ICT is evolving beyond just teaching, I think through experience of all the teaching and response he had been getting, he has managed to take this to whole new level coming this Christmas .

I can’t even imagine how much time he is putting in to all this. Amazing, simply amazing… Thank you.

Just when I thought the ForeXmas series was over, you come out with another one. Thanks for enlightening us. Hopefully it comes back to you 7 fold. :cool:

Christmas!! Love and wishes x

Didn’t even realise this new thread was here…

Looking forward to learning more from the master and his arts!

Thanks in advance Michael.

So SANTA does exist!!!

He sure does! And his name is Michael! :slight_smile: Old Saint ICT!

Looking forward to this! Thank you for all the hard work you put into teaching us all!

Man this brings back good memories from last year. I’ll never forget watching that Judas swing video and literally smiling from ear to ear :wink:

I’m glad to still see the tradition still alive. Merry Christmas and Happy Forex! :59:

Counting the days! Happy Xmas and happy learning!

I remember last year being sat at a computer screen on Christmas Day shouting ‘Download Damn You!’ cursing that we had such slow internet.
Don’t think I was this excited as a child.