Jforex vs Mt4 continued...and promotions for newbies?

Hello fellow traders! I’ve been running a few demo accounts with some brokers as I’m still undecided about who to trade with. From what I can see, there’s only a few brokers that run the Jforex platform (Dukascopy, FXDD and Everest Markets come to mind) but near enough everyone else runs the mt4. Why is this? Is the mt4 more reliable?

Also I keep reading all these bonus promotions brokers are offering. Can anyone recommend a good deal? Can you negotiate these deals with the broker directly?

Thank you so much for your help! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think that Jforex is better - faster for orders - MT4 is a bit of a dinosaur, but it is popular because everyone uses it. If you have a big enough account size then you can negotiate with the broker directly - if you have a $100 000+ account then they may give you a better deal in terms of spreads.

Ok thanks for that! The Jforex is pretty slick, the execution on the demo is very quick, fingers crossed the live account is the same. I guess you can’t say which broker to go with, but who which jforex broker is reliable? Surely there can’t just be 2 or 3 brokers that use it?

Hi Grace,

I’m currently trading with Everest Markets on JForex platform. It works great for me. In my opinion it just depends on which platform have you started with at first. You will find it easy once you got used to it. I think the most important is to choose the platform which should be perfect match to your need.
One thing I like about JForex because it can run in different OS including my Mac.
I’m not sure whether you can negotiate with them about the deals, however I guess you can direct the message to their customer support to find out more about it.
All the best!