So what it all about guys..!

Hi all ~ hope you doing ok.

I new here and looking to get some knowledge on forex trading ~ can anyone shed some light how it all works, and where one would have to start and things. cheers guys…


The babypips school will give you an idea of how it all works, but won’t really give you any trading advice.

Thanks for your reply goldenmember, I have just read what it is in the school part, so again thanks got an bit of a clue now cheers…

While you are learning, it would also be great if your open a micro account and practice what you learn.

I agree with the lads here, babypips is a good learning sources. But i wouldn’t say you should rush into opening a demo account, though is really good but you should learn well first.

There are too many materials online and offline that teaches the basics/deep of forex. I wonder why you are having a hard time finding a good material to learn from.

Thanks for your replys guys - was just interested in learning here at the forum as seem most of you are traders and must know what you doing can only learn from people that do!! thank again guys for helping out!!

will be trading me self soon so wanted to learn all what i can cheers…all !!


[QUOTE=“simon35;503825”]Thanks for your replys guys - was just interested in learning here at the forum

will be trading me self soon so wanted to learn all what i can cheers…all !!


} 'Don’t < /trade> yerself too soon. Don’t jump in heedlessly, selling your soul to an activity that looks highly lucrative, but isn’t necessarily so.

‘To trade in the financial markets requires a valid license. RETAIL FX IS NOT TRADING and beware of scams / unregulated < /brokers>.’ {

'To trade in the financial markets requires a valid license. RETAIL FX IS NOT TRADING[/QUOTE]

Uhhhh… Retail fx is not trading…? adds that to the long list of stupid things people have said on babypips

You don’t need a drivers license to race formula one… I guess that means they aren’t driving then huh?

I agree with this statement.

I think you should double check your statements here. I am glad I Love Pizza More added your retail fx is not trading statement to the dumbest things said list. Additionally an unregulated broker is not automatically a scam and you do not need a valid license if you trade financial markets from your accounts only. Basically everything you said was just wrong.

Rolls eyes


} ‘Or like flying planes without a pilot’s license huh?’
‘Performing surgery without a medical degree huh?’ {
} ‘Believing superman exists huh?’

Sorry to hijack the thread. This remainder of this post has been moved to a different location.
Due to a number of [I]ad hominem[/I] responses, no further updates will appear here.

What you say makes no sense, especially your comparisons. It is obvious that you have no clue about trading which is fine by me. Not one single trader in this forum takes your non-sense serious. You are good for a laugh, but that is about it. I don’t mind the jokes you post, but please adjust the format and could you stop using ‘{’ and ‘}’? Totally annoying, but then again your mission is to make us laugh at your lack of knowledge about forex trading.

[QUOTE=“FoxtrotXrays;504464”] There are a lot of posts on here (where the emphasis is supposed to be primarily on education and learning) saying silly things about FOREX trading analysis and systems, and unfortunately Mr. Kent, despite the market for retail FX products, THE COMMENT ABOUT RETAIL FX TRADING NOT BEING THE SAME as institutional (interbank, commercial) FX trading, wasn’t one of them.’ [/QUOTE]
No… You said that retail fx was NOT TRADING… You didn’t say it wasn’t THE SAME as interbank trading.

[QUOTE=“FoxtrotXrays;503842”]To trade in the financial markets requires a valid license. RETAIL FX IS NOT TRADING[/QUOTE]

Apparently, and unfortunately you chose your words poorly in what you were trying to say… Retail forex IS TRADING whether it requires a license or not. Now is it the same as commercial and interbank trading that takes place by licensed traders working for banks? shrugs that’s beyond the point of your original statement that said “retail fx is not trading”.