Things I've learned in 4 months of trading currencies

I started trading back in November 2013. Maybe a little before. I still consider myself a beginner, but am taking the steps towards Beginner+. Hopefully this helps others. I know recording some of this information and reflecting helps me on my journey.

1. Beware of Binary Options

I first discovered Binary Options as a quick way to make money. This was actually my first entrypoint into Forex. Earn up to 90% profit in 60 seconds. Amazing. I found things like the 5 Point Decimal Trading System as ways to make thousands quickly. Using this ‘system’ I blew my first $300 account in a matter of 2 nights. Some system, eh? What could have gone wrong?

Unfortunately the odds were stacked against me with Binaries. Not only was I on the hook for where that particular pair was headed, I had to figure out where it was headed within a specific time frame. I started applying Stochastics and RSI indicators to charts looking for the Holy Grail. It worked sometimes, not other times. I came out to about 50% ITM (in the money), which isn’t enough to break even. Next up, more complex strategies. I chained indicators together to figure out the science behind predictions. Signed up for a signal service or two. Nothing really worked.

I still trade some binaries using a simple support / resistance and price action and occasionally the Center of Gravity indicator.

2. Don’t Trust Indicators

Indicators alone won’t do anything for you. I purchased add-on indicators for Tradingview that I thought would help in my trades. Some of them were marginally helpful. Others turned out to be completely wrong. Others I couldn’t (and still don’t) understand. How am I supposed to tell price is bouncing off of or between 5 different colored lines or if a particular oscillator will flatten out in an oversold condition instead of oscillating back up (which is what they are supposed to do, right?). Only careful trade (lot) management has made my life easier. Now there are only 1 or two indicators I am comfortable using, and they mostly revolve around, again, Support and Resistance.

Not that Indicators are badl. It’s just that, as a beginner, there are so many to choose from and you have such little understanding of when to use them.

3. Demo First

I signed up for a Mirror Trader account with FXCM. Little did I know that I would almost have to work harder managing the various Mirrored Strategies than I anticipated. I didn’t set my stop loss and lost 100 bucks overnight due to a trade not going my way. I had to compare strategies, manage lot size, submit problems with the platform to the FXCM developers. Ugh. What a pain. What was I learning? How to pick ‘winning strategies’. What did I gain? $100 profit. I withdrew my money and resolved to improve and develop my own strategies first, and do mirror trading as a backup once i knew more.

I then started demoing these strategies. Each approach got a different account. I was learning more this way. My support / resistance strategy has been doing a steady 4 - 5% a month. I’m learning more and getting more comfortable with expectations on the demo side. I control every aspect of trading. Every month my methods get a little more advanced. Instead of just looking at the chart and support / resistance levels I’ll check an oscillator or market sentiment. I’ll plan an entry point. I’ll look at candlesticks and form an opinion on where I expect price to go. I am slowly experimenting and seeing what works and what doesn’t.

Lessons Learned

Hopefully the next four months I’ll move a winning demo strategy to a micro account and build from there, once the foundations have been set instead of just grasping at strategies I find on the interwebs…


Thanks for sharing your insights, these are very valuable for the newbie traders out there. See you around!

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Great post, wish all newbies would read this thread…agreed on all points but just remember a demo may vary widely from a live account…good luck.

That’s what I call learning in the hard way. You should be thankful that it has only taken you such a short time to learn all these.
Anyway, all the best in your trading journey and don’t repeat these mistakes.

I’m with GRIXFX on this 4 months and $300 is a very small price to pay for this education. Sounds like you’re onto a plan, keep up the good work.

Yes I lost that $300 and am now starting to make money through both Forex and Binaries. @Fxmall yes demo can vary but I’m not sure about ‘widely’ if you are using the same strategy. But much has been said about demo vs live…agreed it is different.

I thought you said you learnt your lesson on binaries?

@pipwhip this is a fair question. I learned my lesson on strategies where I could earn thousands quickly with risky Martingale approaches to trading binary options. I am ‘finding my way’ with some basic Support / Resistance and Breakout strategies that use oscillators and candlestick patterns. This simply means that I am experimenting and testing these slowly with small amounts and / or demo accounts rather than thinking I’ve found the Holy Grail to profits.

The only reason I say it is that you need to have an edge that gives you a positive expectancy with the spread take into account. When you’re already 10% down when you win it really is just making life harder for yourself.

Also dont believe all the hype about martingaleing. Its a good thing, we just call it something else, cost price averaging.

Hi, after near 3 years, how was or is your experience with Mirror Trader and the art of picking strategies?
I’m a Mirror Trader user with Ava, incredible the lack of support, from Tradency and Ava, no manual no responses to claims nothing. I tried demo for a month and thing went ok. Then turning to real account , picking same successfull strategies than in demo, two month in a row in red. Hopefully I used some decent money management and until now I’ve just lost all the bonus they offered me for opening the account and just a little of my money. Still unsure about how to pick good strategies, the phrase “past performance is not indicative of future performance” resound constantly in my head…

Yes, I think we’d all love to hear your story now that you have three more years of experience

Almost 10 years in the game and millionaire status unlocked