What's the differnce between, a Market Maker, STP, ECN,

I got a couple of questions asking me what’s the difference between market makers, ECN, and STP. I came across this video, which does a great job explaining the difference. As usual the only thing I’m vouching for is this video. Not any websites, software, coaches etc. If you’re not sure about your broker, take 10 minutes and watch.

Anyone who couldn’t find the video, they changed channels here’s the link

gp, the video

Now you know what my wife goes through daily :smiley:

np m8



Good video GP thanks for posting it. Made me think about a thread on my other forum, a guy was asking how to trade on his live account using indicators attached to his demo account for the reason, broker manipulation of his live account’s price price feed throws off his indicator signals …

Nice job posting the video…this is one of the questions that most newbies come up with…

I tried watching the vid it seems that it was moved or something, is it only me?

Sorry they started a new channel. You can find it here.

Quick Reminder. I am not vouching for any other services they offer and have no affiliation with them.
Have A Good One