The truth about forex: You CANT become rich

Maybe but is it even the point ?

Can you honestly tell me " InsiderTrading you are wrong, people get involved into trading cuz its so fun to watch chart going up and down[B] independently of the money aspect.[/B] 99% of them dont even think of becoming rich or even living from it and do it as a hobby. " ?

That will be for shoes then. RALMAO

Hey bro I know you want to appear like " I dont give a damn I’m a cool guy having this discussion with my bro on this thread " but please can you talk with your friend on MP or on skype ?

Ok so you add up to the " I dont have any proof that I am profitable and I will insult anybody asking for it" crew :slight_smile:

Thanks for the compliment by the way, I love to be insulted :slight_smile:

Most fascinating is the fact that as soon as someone claims to be successfull people want solid prove and if they actually wont share they are doomed to be liars and failures.
As soon as someone claim to be a failure nobody wants to see any prove of it…they don’t even bother to comfort them in any way…
Unsuccsessfull people just wanna pick on people who has achieved what they haven’t.
Law of Jante is just as current as the Law of Attraction.

And…at this point I’m giving myself a minus point this weekend for getting involved in this tread…I never learn do I…

smashing head into keyboard

Sorry my friend, what you say is untrue. Let me fix it:

[I]as soon as someone claims to be successfull [B]ON A TRADING FORUM*[/B] people want solid prove and if they actually wont share they are doomed to be liars and failures.[/I]

[B]* Or on any kind of place where anonymity is guaranteed and where one can hide behind a computer screen and pretend to be whoever he wants.

And thats not even true. There is not at all a lot of guy asking proofs. WHy ? cuz asking for proof results in insults. ANd people dont like to be insulted :slight_smile:

Geez… What’s the problem? Are you trying to stressing me out? If you are, it’s NOT working! lol

I think you just need to calm down and take a chill pill for now. Collect your thoughts and think it through what you wrote. And maybe re evaluate of what are you trying to accomplished here. What is your objective opening up this thread? To proved your point that trading is not working for you?
Think… Maybe you are asking the wrong questions?

Have a great weekend :slight_smile:

Naaa. Not going to happen bro. Plenty of these threads already here on BP’s. Think I might high jack it and start talking about the latest research findings into the mating habits of the long-nose western brown bilby. Did you know the male cleans the area around its mound for months in advance to prove he keeps a tidy nest. Just for a bit of nooky. Tuff gig.

Oh, and who said I was “profitable” lol. Me Profitable that’s a laff.

What is making you think that i’m trying to stress [B]YOU [/B]out ?

I’m not trying to stress anybody.

I’m sharing a documented opinion.

Now you come on my thread, so I answer you, fair enough ?

I’m not gonna take any chill pill.

1rst because I am not angry.
2nd because I dont like to take pills or chemicals to force my body to do XYZ. I like to have a healthy lifestyle and pills are not a part of it.

Also, Why would I be trying to " prove my point " that trading is not working " for me " ?

I am proving the point that is presentend into the title of this thread, and that is documented in my first thread. Nothing more. I’m not talking about me here. I’m talking about the retail forex trading industry.

Bobillbrowne… Mind if I jump into my blue fish costume, act to be Dory and pay attention? …I’d might be amazed again and again :stuck_out_tongue:

Master Contributor and member use their time to “hijack a thread” lol. Interesting. Actually those threads are not " plenty " at all. They are actually not welcomed at all in any trading forums.

So [B]that’s [/B]what somebody " Working and trading for his personal success " is doing :7:

No - thats just me stating how serious I take this conversation…

Fact: you are sarcastic
Fact: Like millions of forum traders, you do not have any proof that you are profitable, and yet you claim that you are.

The common name dory (from the Middle English dorre, from the Middle French doree, lit. “gilded one”) is shared (officially and colloquially) by members of several different families of large-eyed, silvery, deep-bodied, laterally compressed, and roughly discoid marine fish. As well as resembling each other, dories are also similar in habit: most are deep-sea and demersal. Additionally, many species support commercial fisheries and are considered excellent food fish. Most dory families belong to the order Zeiformes, suborder Zeioidei:

I don’t get it. So you’re claiming 35% returns per year are possible, but not worth pursuing?

What exactly do you do with your savings then? Are you too poor to invest? Everybody knows that if you invest a measly $5k into diversified index funds each year (10% nominal return), you will likely have $2.5M by the end of a 40 year career.

So given the choice, why would one not choose 35% returns (assuming such a thing were possible) on their measly $5k annual investment, rather than 10% returns?

The answer is in your quote:

trading will bring you serious interest, but will never multiply your capital to the sky. At least, not with forex trading by using Fundamental / technical analysis.

You think taht people are getting involved to forex to get 35 % per year ?

The other difference is : To make the said 35 % you’ll need to work your ass ( maybe for years ) to become good at trading. AND there is some risk to lose everything.

But just puting ur money to the bank you got safe intereset and you have nothing to do.

People with a job cant just stay in front of their screen 8h per day (if not 10h ) to get 35% of 5k per year.

  • I reat, I NEVER SAID THAT 35 % A YEAR WERE NOT WORTH PURSUING. Where did you read that ?

I said taht:

  • u wont become rich
  • u cant live from ur 5k account.
  • 99% of " profitable traders " on forums are liers and have no proofs.

It is definitely yes and no. I can argue that if a trader deposits $10,000, uses the full leverage (let’s say 300:1) on every trade, all that is required is 5 consecutive profitable trades, 60 pips profit per trade to reach $1,000,000. It can be done in pairs such as EURJPY, GBPJPY or GBPAUD. The trader does not need to maintain his success rate for a substantial period of time, only 5 trades. Whether it can be pulled off that is a debatable and is not classified as trading but gambling.

Folks it’s saturday and the markets are closed. Stop spitting vitriol and instead, do something that makes you happy.

Like, study more and get better at trading?

Master the craft?

Window shop online, or at a local mall?

Dream of spending your millions?

Shop for a house you want?

Opps, sorry, did I just turn this thread into something positive?

Here I am once again, going to lay it out for you.

If your confidence level of ANY TRADE, is less then 100%, THEN DONT TRADE IT. You dont trade by confidence %, WHICH EVERYONE DOES, Hence the ability to adjust lot sizes.

Your either in it to win it, or not.

You study, you practice, you find your zone, and you attack it, with everything you got.

Risk gets less as your account grows? WHAT?

All risk SHOULD be the same, and that risk is losing the trade, and shouldnt reflect absolutely NOTHING with the account size.

The risk is [B]YOU[/B].

Hi Insidertrader I mostly agree your claims about forex …[/B]

Countless times have I mentioned that there is no statement of a successful trader in any tradings forum.

To discuss seriously about forex in a forum that babypips have little purpose where only wonnabe traders exist.

But there are actually a few successful traders it is worth studying, some of them have I mentioned earlier in one of my thread.
Example kozox Flemming
DANISH TRADER FROM $ 5500 TO $ 5.1 MILLION return of morethan 95,000%

So use the time on those who can trade, not wonnabe