How many currency pairs should i be in at one time

Today was my real first day trading and i got into 6 currency pairs this morning but only 2 of them had real volume the other 4 was just dead and they lost some pips and never fluctuated. I was wondering should i just open one pair at a time and just watch it or how do I figure which currency pair has volume for that session.

As many as trigger your set-ups. The more the better. Mark Whitmore Discussion

Hey, I started out looking at all currency pairs. This was alright and I think is alright if you don’t mind cluttered charting software and multitasking. I finally took the plunge focusing on GBP/USD and EUR/USD, I don’t have what I’d call a system but if I go through a really long time with no possible trades I added USD/CAD. Now I trade gu and eu but switch around uc in search for setups. It’s best to find what works for you, however it’s better to focus all attention on two charts than spreading it around. If you need anymore help or advice pm me :slight_smile:

I believe is better to trade many and different pairs and currencies in the same time because if your portfolio is bigger in one bad time you will not loose everyhting

Watch out for the spread on exotics and, depending on your broker, on some of the crosses. Keep your total exposure across the market limited and trade as many pairs as meet your trading criteria.

yeah you can be on as many pairs as you want, but on a safe side, try to learn the pairs and study them or be on a solid strategy if your gonna be on a bunch of them. best of luck

I’m still a beginner on my own.

But I ONLY start trades in another pair when my running position in the first pair is in profit and already secured. (= SL is already in profit) … That trained me more patience and helped to avoid over trading.

One good thing about trading currencies are the vast amount of pairs you can choose from. For beginners I would start with the major pairs and eventually dabble into the exotics and minors. There will be days where some pairs are slower than others which is okay because you have other options to trade from

I used to only trade 2-3 (mainly USD/JPY and a 1-2 yen crosses) but since the recent NFA margin changes on the yen I’ve been demo scalping with up to 9 different pairs and have gotten GREAT results. If you trade shortterm it’s easier to find a setup and you won’t have to spend nearly as much time waiting on the sidelines (or opening a bad trade with your main 1-2 pairs out of impatience).

Ok thats for your free I really appreciate it and if have any other questions I sure will reach out to you thank you.

I agree with you, you can trade as many pairs as you want. Its because if you trade on higher time frames then you need to focus on many pairs to get regular signals on them.

Its upto your capability, if you are confident enough then you can go with multiple pairs and if you think you should go with gone or two then its ok, with multiple pair you have to manage your trades accordingly.

Sensible idea