Latency - What affects it?

Hello all,

I heard that some people move closer to their broker just to improve latency.

Does this mean if i’m from the UK it would be better for me to choose a UK based broker?

People recommend a lot of different brokers to me but they’re mainly based abroad. I’m wondering if it’s better to stick to a local broker simply for higher latency.


Does no one have any comments around latency? Or is this a subject no one has considered?

Latency will really only be an issue if you’re day trading or getting in/out around news events.
Best thing you can do as a non-professional trader is get a fast computer, w/ faster internet speed (I pull 100mbs).

Always have a plan b, c and d. If your computer goes down, have a tablet. If your tablet is dead, have an app on your smart phone. If your wifi goes down @ home, have another location within driving distance you can get to quickly. And, have your brokers’ trading desk # on hand @ all times.

Hi FlyPippin,

Latency can be minimized by using a co-located Virtual Private Server (VPS). Running your trading platform from inside the VPS would be like sending your orders from a computer right next door to our servers. Using a VPS has the added advantage that your platform can run 24 hours a day, even when your own computer is turned off or disconnected from the internet.

There aren’t many brokers available to US residents, FXCM has a relationship with FXColo and BeeksFX…what’s the best VPS to run with InterbankFX? Best VPS for Oanda or MB Trading?

  • ninja edit for spelling

Latency will have virtually no impact on your trading as I doubt you run a HFT trading outlet. For retail traders it really does not matter. Being closer to the server does decrease latency as data does not need to travel as far, but again it does not matter. Pick a solid broker you can trust and do as forexunlimited suggested. Fast computer, fast connection etc.

+1 for fast pc with fast connection both upload and download.Have fail over solution(s).Reputable broker or the broker that was recommended by the seasoned trader.
Unless you are trying latency arbitrage around the news , of course, but this is not trading.

One of the key things that affect forex trading is latency. Latency is the time it takes for a trade to go through from start to finish. The faster the latency, the better. Low latency means that trades happen quickly and smoothly. High latency can make trading more difficult and can lead to missed opportunities. There are a few things that can affect latency, including:

Internet connection speed: A slow internet connection can lead to high latency. This is because the data has to travel further and take longer to process.

Computer processing power: If your computer is not powerful enough, it can struggle to process the data quickly enough, leading to high latency.

Broker server location: If your broker’s server is located far away from your computer, it can take longer for the data to travel back and forth, leading to high latency.

How to resolve this problem?
You can use Forex VPS for your trading. Forex VPS is a great way to get low latency when trading forex. By using a VPS, you can connect to the internet through a server that is closer to your broker’s server, which will reduce the amount of time it takes for your order to be processed. In addition, a VPS can provide you with a more stable connection than a home internet connection, which can further reduce the amount of time it takes for your order to be processed.

Latency is an important consideration when choosing a forex broker. Check their server locations and test their platform with a demo account to ensure you’re getting the best possible experience.