Help finding a mentor or coach

Hi, I am fairly new to forex still and have been only barely hovering at break even on a demo account. I have mostly been learning over articles from the Internet and would like to find a better source of info.

The only problem is that every coarse and mentor always seems to have reviews that say they are a load of crap and are only out there for your money.

Is there anyone out there that has a reasonably priced course and or subscription fee to mentoring that doesn’t seem to only want your money?

I am only fifteen as of now so I really don’t have a whole lot of money to spend on mentoring so anything from about $50 - $250 is as far as I can go.

Mentoring, no. A course, yes: this course is [I]astonishingly[/I] good value for $249, and difficult to beat. I think it’s normally about $500 but currently “on offer”, or something. The author is [I][U]very[/U][/I] much “the real thing” (i.e. he makes his very good living from trading, not from selling courses) and this course is [B]far[/B] easier-going than his textbooks (which are also excellent, but far from easy to read!). If you see people online criticising his writing, just bear in mind that it’s the textbooks they’re talking about, not the contents of this course —> [B][/B]

Good luck!

It would be a good idea to make your own trading efforts so that you are able to learn about the workings of the Forex markets and that will help you in becoming a good Forex trader one day :slight_smile:

I’m glad the surgeons who’ve operated on me didn’t take that approach to becoming experts. :56:

Mentoring/courses aren’t an [B]alternative[/B] to “making your own efforts”, Archie: they’re something [B]additional[/B].

It’s much easier to decide in which direction to make those efforts, and to avoid wasting a huge amount of time, with some expert guidance. I’m sure you understand this, really? :wink:

I will suggest you to try Baby Pips course and not to pay any money for any other course or mentor. There is no good reason for paying because those who are charging for teaching are not going to teach you anything more than what you can learn at Baby Pips.

Do you [B]seriously[/B] believe that, Rambo? That there’s [U]no such thing in the world[/U] as a paid-for trading course that can teach you anything more than you can learn at Baby Pips? If you do, you do, I suppose … but please excuse my mentioning that I find it [I]really[/I] hard, myself, to imagine that a rational, intelligent guy like yourself can [U]really[/U] believe that’s true?! :34:

I’ve probably said enough, in this thread. Sometimes the comments in the forum just amaze me.

You’re only15, so can’t legally trade yet.
Why not spend more time learning and save your money for your first account?
The free school here is imho the best learning resource you will find. Study here, read the threads so you get to understand the problems facing traders, try out systems on a free demo account.
Your age is your best asset, you have all the time you need to self learn.
Keep asking questions here, someone will always answer you.
Best wishes

I would also suggest the school of pipsology here at babypips, doesn’t cost a dime and you will learn a lot.

I have actually been looking at the school of pipsolid and it has been an invaluable help.

I am not looking to be spoon fed when and what to trade but I would like help developing a sound strategy and what to look for on a chart.

I am looking for a coarse that focuses more on technical trading on 4h and longer time frames if that helps filter some results.

Thanks for all the help so far.

Don’t waste your money on courses with regurgitated material you can find for free (BabyPips school is a good example). For $50-250 you won’t be able to find any trading mentor worthy of the name. It’s like going with $10k in your pocket into a Mercedes showroom and expecting to leave with their latest model.

I took the BabyPips school earlier this year and I learned an enormous amount - about Forex and trading in general (and I’m not completly new to trading). This is an excellent resource, and it’s FREE! You’ll have a tough time beating that combination.

Right now I’m just setting up my computer with a demo account, and I’m going to work on it for awhile before I do any real trading. How long? Long enough to make plenty of mistakes with the demo account, and to familiarize myself with using what I learned in the course. Once that is done and I have developed some techniques that I’m comfortable with, and when I use these on my demo account and consistently show profits, then (and only then) will I put up real money.

I learned this approach through the course. Check it out.

I would say that in the Forex trading learning never stops and the sooner we will start the better it will become for us to make a visible progress in the business. This is why we have to understand about the trading in the Demo trading accounts only :slight_smile:

I clicked that trading course link and noticed there was an early bird special price of two fifty for a five hundred value. Oldest marketing trick getting you to buy. Kinda sketchy, but can’t say it reflects the material in the course.

Original poster, you’re fifteen and I think that’s an awesome age to start getting a feel for the markets. You’d probably absorb all and every bit of info out there if your really passionate. Start by getting what’s free on the Web or in library. Heck there’s great ‘trading for dummies’ books you can buy for cheap, you know the ones with the yellow and black covers. Learn small first and then think big later.

If your parent would agree, open a demo account and you can both learn. Do it while you watch the markets and hopefully put on some demo trades. As a person that has traded other people’s money for a living I tell you [B]there isn’t anything you need that can’t be found on the internet for free[/B]. Almost all of the pay for programs are ideological, branded and can be had at no cost elsewhere. Grow your own perceptions and build/rebuild off them. Good luck my young trader!:41:

This fella is absolutely right, dont go off and get suckered by these so called “furus” ive been there. Everything u need to make a living off of these markets are free at an arms reach. Its not hard at all. Ive learned more from traders than “teachers”

Save your money. Far too many scammers out there, as the other guys have pointed out.

I learned a lot from the "technical templates " thread, here on Babypips…and remember that trading is not natural so it will require much emotional stability on your side, independently from the method you choose to use.

Anyhow, the people that are worth paying, are working in hedge funds or whatnot. But some of them have helped us retail people through the tech templates thread…take a look!