
Anyone having issues logging into MyFXbook?

When I hit the login tab, it does nothing. Just wondering if its happening to anyone else.

I even tried to sign up for another account, but again, it doesnt let me hit the submit tab. Odd, never had this problem.


I’m currently using myfxbook and haven’t experienced any problems as in quite some time.

ok, thanks Em3, I even restarted my PC and still cant log in.

I can tick the remember me box, then when I hit login, it seems like it doesnt recognize the click, no response or anything. Then I went on twitter, and I cant even “Follow” myfxbook, lol… Like they blocked me or something, IDK… just odd

TypeError: login is not a function

ReferenceError: updateToolbarTimes is not defined

This is what Im finding when debugging the site,

We can’t log in to our account as well since yesterday.

OK Forex verified, THANKS for the reply… Wonder whats going on. Last week I started a demo account with the broker " Tallinex" starting thinking that had something to do with it.

at least I know its not an issue on my end now.

They wont even reply to my emails, so i dont know whats going on with them…

Is there any other site like FXBook?

Have a good day bud, and thanks again.

They actually just emailed me back finally, and said nothing is wrong on their end. Soooo, IDK, i will let ya know whats happening.,

Its back up. Not sure what they didbut they got it working again. Seems I think something to do with the clock/time, it wasnt there before, and now the clock is there, and able to log in again…


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