Margin trading

Hello Guys…would someone pls expound this to me in a way a dummy can understand…Thanks in advance…

You open one standard lot (100,000 units GBP/USD), buying with the British pound at 2% margin and wait for the exchange rate to climb. When you buy one lot (100,000 units) of GBP/USD at a price of 1.50000, you are buying 100,000 pounds, which is worth US$150,000 (100,000 units of GBP * 1.50000).If the margin requirement was 2%, then US$3,000 would be set aside in your account to open up the trade (US$150,000 * 2%). You now control 100,000 pounds with just US$3,000.We will be discussing margin more in-depth later, but hopefully you’re able to get a basic idea of how it works.