FX Courses Recommendation

Hi Guys & Girls,

I have done a lot of self teaching and have been trading indices. I want to venture into FX trading. Can anyone recommend a course/courses to take? Everyone i seem to find online has great reviews and scam reviews so i am really torn.

I know a lot of people will say learn it yourself but I tend to find that i learn things better when taught rather than just reading.

Many thanks

Hi, and welcome to the forum. :cool:

The only really [U]good[/U] course I’ve ever seen, myself, is the Al Brooks Trading Course.

It [U]isn’t[/U] specifically about forex trading (and he uses index futures charts as examples), but it’s specified in his course information that it’s all perfectly [I]relevant[/I] to forex trading (and I know from my own experience that that’s true).

The emphasis is on price action trading - and it will be relatively easy for you to decide whether that’s an approach you want to try by looking at all the free information on his website. If you want a course in order to learn about indicator-driven “systems”, and be presented with things to “copy” that will just “work” for you, then it isn’t the one for you. But if you want some real trading [I]education[/I], then it might be. :wink:

He’s also the author of three full-length textbooks on trading which - although their content is excellent and I don’t even know whether I’d be making a living at all without having studied them - are very heavy going, not well-edited, and something of a struggle to get through. His course (which comprises about 37 hours of video instruction) is far more approachable and comprehensible and easier going. I’m mentioning this just so you don’t look at reviews of his [I]books[/I] and imagine that his [I]course[/I] is going to be similarly difficult: it really isn’t, at all.

I’m normally [B][U]very[/U][/B] reluctant to recommend vendors, because one always wonders whether they’re really making a living from their successful trading or just by selling teaching materials. This case is different, because I happen to know that his “back-story” (of being a former surgeon and medical professor who dropped out of medicine and into trading, because he was a very successful trader on the side and actually earned more that way) is actually true, rather than just being the normal kind of “sales-hype” one expects to see in these circumstances. He’s someone who now does a bit of teaching as a little sideline because trading is a lonely business and he missed the teaching, when he changed careers.

Edited to add the url: [B]https://brookstradingcourse.com/[/B]

My advice

Find someone with actual trades to support his/her course.

If the Rates of Return are what you like, go for it.

Many courses out there, some good, some average. But most of them dont actually show you any trades that they themselves have done-recently.

Thats my 2 cents.


The nuts and bolts of fx are fairly straightforward, you can learn them at the free school here, and I would recommend doing that before signing up to any course, otherwise you’re going to waste a lot of paid-for time just getting the basics.
Also, fx is very much a personal journey, its not just black and white facts, you need to develop your own style/system that suits your personality and lifestyle.
Good luck and enjoy the journey

The tutorials for beginners here at babypips are good. You’ll find them to be highly recommended by almost every forex trader out there. From experience, it’s best that you open and trade a demo account while learning about the basics.

Welcome to the forum.

[I]Please[/I] excuse my greeting your very first post with such a dissenting opinion, but in my opinion it’s best (and actually [I]really[/I] important) to learn all the basics [U]before[/U] ([B]not[/B] while) using a demo account, for the reasons explained here. :8: