Aside from their risks, what are the advantages and disadvantages of trading Demo Account and Live account?
Demo: No loss of profit
Live: Real Profit
Demo: No profit
Live: Real loss of profit
Not too sure what you mean ?
demo accounts are just for learning purpose. You’re not playing with your monney.
Also, FX demo quotes feed are generally 20 s delayed : just the the needed time to compute feed for the real account
So if that’s the case… It would be really a very high risk on trading live because a trader would really gain profit out of it and would actually be eaten by sharks on the other hand…
Well, i get what you are pointing to… Thanks for the insight…
umm… ya. Demo no strings attached. Live anything goes
sure traderlady, you didn’t read all my response.
20 seconds, this is the needed time for a broker software to guide a feed for each client and burn the marge. 20 seconds : a little short for a traderlady
I think DEMO’s are best for learning how to use the platform you intend to use when your ready to live. It’s also a good way to test a system/method to see if it works before losing $$$. It’s also a good wy to learn proper money management because without that all systems will fail in the long run. Oanda has a no expiration demo which is great for learning the advantages/disadvantages of their platform as do most brokers. Technically I haven’t noticed much difference except for huge delays and even lockups during high volatile times like news announcements but I think you would have that anywhere.
I do read all your response fxvanilla… It’s just that i don’t understand what you mean with 20 s delayed… what i totally understand was when you stated about not playing with my money… I was about to ask you about the delayed but you already mentioned it… so thank you anyway! I am still trying to absorb the whole idea…lol
So technically speaking, DEMO’s are really serves as an introduction before going far to live. And would be the best teacher before stepping the reality of it… That i think is a good option before losing real $$$…
So technically speaking, DEMO’s are really serves as an introduction before going far to live. And would be the best teacher before stepping the reality of it… That i think is a good option before losing real $$$.
Precisely that. A demo account gives traders who are new to
forex a chance to get some 1st hand knowledge of all the nuances
of live trading.
Demo trading will never completely give the full story, because in
demo it ain’t real money.
But it is in demo where you should make all your mistakes, get a
feel for the platform of your choice, press all the buttons, ring all
the bells, have a margin call, don’t be afraid it ain’t real.
Test all the systems which are in here.
Then when you have a rounded system which suits you then go
live with an amount of money which you are willing to lose.
very well said daydreamer… You got a good point on that… But as far as your trading is concern, how do you managed to take all the risks as soon as you go for live?
But as far as your trading is concern, how do you managed to take all the risks as soon as you go for live?
Not sure if I understand what you are asking here?
When you feel it is right for you to go live, when you have
a system which is profitable in demo trading, then you should
take the plunge & risk an amount of money that you are happy
to lose.
But as you have tested your system there should be no risk.
But I’ve heard that though you already tested your system and all, there’s still be a risk in going live… Because demo is still a lot different from live most especially real money is concern… So how would you react on that?
So how would you react on that?
You need to have an account level which you are happy
to lose. Not the rent or mortgage money, your holiday money,
Xmas money, no money which you rely on, you get the picture.
When traders go live they imperceptively change their system for
fear of losing, But in demo they have proved that they can win, so
why change anything?
I read fear of stop hunting, my broker hates me, blah blah blah.
None of this matters, if you stick to the system which works in demo
then you should be profitable in live.
yeah i really do get the picture and i totally agree with you on that… I guess it’s just a matter of being afraid on something that you really don’t have to…
Well thanks for all the insights… It is really cool to learn something new!
No problem, Forex is a very interesting & demanding subject, there
is always something new to learn, but in the long term very rewarding.
I agree! Indeed very rewarding… for sure!
So thanks again…
traderlady is english your native language ?
Nope, English is not my native language… Though we use English a lot in School since it’s one of our major subjects… why did you ask?