Newbie Question!

Hey guys, I’m extremely extremely new to this whole thing, but very interested! I just want to make sure I develop the right perspective or lens on how I view FX if I’m going to devote time and work to it. I’ve been told that Forex is a dying market? I want something to push towards and make a future out of, but I want to make sure that I’m not investing into something that will go no where. Is this a market that I can make a future for myself out of? Thanks for your time guys!!!


There are only three ways foreign currency exchange can die.

  1. Success of the new world order goal of one world government and the installation of one world currency eliminating the idea of an exchange rate.

  2. The elimination of immigration. global travel and international trade eliminating the need for people and companies to transfer one currency into another.

  3. Government policies under the aegis of ultra socialist nutcases that ban basic currency speculation not involving a specific legal need (travel, product or company purchase, international gift).

Stock markets will die long before foreign exchange does. They can hit short selling in stocks for example but swapping one type of money for another inherently allows one to go long or short. Worse case they can get rid of leverage forcing speculators to literally have at least 10,000 of real currency to make the equivalent of a one mini lot trade.

If I understand your idea of dying and market death correctly - someone has told you either $4,000,000,000,000 of money moving around will simply stop or that retail speculators will be frozen out. If the second happens in your country it would require amazing coordinated international policy to prevent you continuing in another country. If the first happened either we will all be dead or already walking around with chips in our arms.

Defend your rights by not voting for crazy social and fiscal liberals who want to take away individual opportunity and who prefer to tax and spend your money the way they see fit.

Start voting for people who have actually done something with their lives and not these career politicians who have no idea how business, financial markets and basic economics work or how to make a fair buck without taxing people to establish a budget

People who get it, have done it and know how best to police things where policing, regulation and safety provisions are called for. Everyone who gets it knows exactly how much banks should get away with, exactly how markets and exchanges should be structured and exactly how low taxes can and should be so economic wheels can turnover as they need to while reigning in waste and spending and still delivering top notch public services.

I’ve gone political as it will be brain dead socialist politicians who will try to spoil the little **** we still have to do for self instead of using whatever intellectual nut they claim to have to fix things, loopholes and inefficiencies.

Rest easy - forex lives for a long time :slight_smile:

Whether it’s for you is another issue :slight_smile:

Whoever told you that Forex is dying out, I would guess is not a trader, nor has the slightest concept of how liquid and deep the forex market is. Not millions or billions of $, Trillions move around every day. You should politely ask them to log on to Babypips and read the first couple of lessons in the school section just to have an understanding of the enormity of the market we deal with. Remember as a day trader, swing trader or position trader we as individuals are miniscule compared to the bigs boys (banks etc).

It is very hard to talk to non traders. Personally if I do, the usual reply is I’m a gambler??? It’s frustrating. My advice would be, only you can decide the future of Forex for yourself but do your own investigation and analysis as you will be making the trades.

Best of luck

Greg (Newbie)

Yes, you can but before taking decision about it, you should be well familiar with its pros and cons. It is one of the markets where uncertainty is much high. If you are really interested to make a future in forex market then move for it.