The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

ICT appeared as the teacher, asking nothing from us but the willingness to learn and to help each other as we went along.
His videos will be passed around the back rooms of the internet bringing new people to his ideas.
As Akeakamai has said ā€œICT becomes Legendā€

oh god,i cant believe it. thanks ict for everything you give to us, your mentoring will be greatly missed. i really hope that now the members of this thread will keep posting just to keep it alive, this thread has become part of my life and cant even think of losing it. i know ict will keep checking on us and our post.

Yep true. I meant not to be blocked by and safely get the info!

Read in it what you want, and remember that heā€™s given away enough info to be successful :41:

Itā€™s somewhere in that thread indeed.

Yep,true. Sorry :frowning:

this is really pissing me off, i just closed my position even tough i was winning.we need to keep this community alive, i dont know how, whether public or secret, we got to do something.

Thank you,Michael,for everything you give to us.
Your hard work will not be in vain!

Hi Clark fx I just send you an invitation on skype pls add me

Once again, thank you Michael.

Its such a shame your hard work to help us newbies came to an abrupt end. You will be missed by us all.

Through your hard work and generosity i eventually found consistancy in my trading and i will always be extremely grateful.

You took one for the team. I hope everything works out ok in the end. If we could help in any way, believe me, we wouldā€¦

Good luck friend, I salute you :57:

Just to add my voice to all those who have thanked Michael for this fantastic resource. I feel a sense of loss and I can hear this echoing through everyones posts. Although Iā€™ve been a lurker (since last Autumn) I have felt part of a real community with a generous spirit and I hope many of those here will try to keep this together.
I must say Iā€™m a bit concerned to hear something from Michael and hope that someone will let us know that he is OK.

I too would be grateful for access to any copies of the videos that members are able to post/store.

Good luck one and all !!!

Sorry to interject a trade analysis post. :slight_smile:

Pretty strange day on the pairs. EU dropped below AR close to S1. GU did a quick stop hunt below AR and went higher.

Itā€™s starting to get late in the day, but GU has a classic sell day template. The profit release could be delayed though.

EU is in buy zone of pivots, and GU is in sell day.

Noting bullish divergence.

Also, type 2 divergence on the hourly EU chart where we are oversold and the stoch is at a lower reading in the oversold territory compared to prior swing point low. Plus, a hammer (on fairly high volume) at the low of the day. When I see volume spike like that on a wide spread candleā€¦makes me wonder why. Price closed near where it opened. Must be a lot of buyers in that area (1.3420) to keep the price up. Looking for signs of whether bears or bulls are in greater number here. But bulls defended 1.3420.

I am still long on my EU trade from Monday (entered at 1.3385). Plan to hold as I think there are still signs of accumulation occurring.

UPDATE: Stopped out on the drop as Bernake is testifying.


Letā€™s hope we can continue posting those here. Weā€™re living in a strange world nowadaysā€¦ :mad:

So happy I cancelled my limit order to buy at 1.3410 :smiley: I made +30 pips on the way back up though from 1.3350 to 1.3380!

And i went on a killing spread. I was going long both the cable and fiber. Everything was going good, took profits at 50% and when that **** happened i just snapped and started entering everywhere to get my winnings backā€¦ i feel so disgusted with myself that makes me puke. Went for a couple beers after that with my friend. Feel better now. Thats alright because i still have a month of demo. But this should never even happen! justā€¦ everything added up today with Michael being taken out by fcked up peopleā€¦ All he did and ever wanted to make us seek for our happiness and freedomā€¦ Instead they shut him off. Just sick to stomachā€¦

Everybody stay together we need to find out what happened. This is become our duty now to know what happened to Michael.

I just made this post in the original thread. :slight_smile:

Hi Sageone, thank you for sharing the trade log. Is there a video by ICT on how to utilize this trade log?
Thank you & GLGT!

yesterday Micheal mentioned in tweets ,if price stayed in the up levels there will b live london session mentioning overbought levelsā€¦looks like the picture fulfilled itself

[I]Hi Sageone, thank you for sharing the trade log. Is there a video by ICT on how to utilize this trade log?
Thank you & GLGT!

No video, I made the Trade Log. Itā€™s my own for you to play with and make it your own!