The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

Someone with money want to do a background check on ICT at intelius to get his address so we can find him and help him out…lol

Don’t think I am stalking him or anything, seen this site advertised and I wanted to know how much informaiton it gave out on myself. To my suprise it gives out way to much information and you could find anyone, even get their phone number.

Very Scary,

Wow this went way off topic, sorry…

If this was the case I would think he would be able to talk with us and not have to go into hiding and never talk again?

+1 , i hope he will at least make a stop by one of the threads to give a friendly hello , nothing trade related =/

I am so sick of all these stupid regulators like the CFTC. There are plenty of crappy advisors who are registered… The CFTC is probably worse because it gives a guise of security from registered people, when they are actually not honest. Obviously this government donesn’t think to highly of the citizens when everything has to be regulated to ensure our “saftey”. If I were ICT I would move to a free country.

This is just me being optimistic (a disease I thought I was cured of), but I “believe” ICT shall return.
He disappeared from babypips before, but the calling for teaching was strong in him and he came back, bigger and stronger.
Who knows when, it could be months, could be years, but I’m sure he will find a way back to us.
In the meantime, I’m gonna try to get back into studying his methods, as soon as I’m done licking my wounds from yesterday’s
revenge trading.

GLGT guys

I know, some feel that ICT wanted it this way. He had planned to leave and gave us all the tool required to fight our own battles. Yesterday, the chat was all about him and his dis-appearance. If ICT was aware of CFTC rules and he was ‘investigated’ before then why did a smart man like him get into trouble again? This question kept coming up in the chat and I dont have an answer for that.

I personally dont think he planned it on purpose. The few times, I chatted with him, he came across as a genuine teacher. The first time I had a chat with him, I did not even know who he was! I asked him if he is making money in forex!! He wanted me to learn and he directed me to his original thread.

I was very happy that finally, I am at the right place at the right time and with the right man. But things were not meant to be. I will learn from all this and that is what ICT wanted anyways. Learn and then spread it out :slight_smile:

I will remember the millionaires guild video forever though: The student goes to the master, the master hands over the sword (tool) and the student needs to use the tool to win.

We have the tool and it is now upto us to make use of it :slight_smile:

Thanks for all your work ICT. I will never forget you.

Wow, this episode is certainly a study in emotional immaturity & instability.
Looks like there are more than a few harsh lessons in store for some people going forward.

Mike, I was really looking forward to seeing your Audited and Certified blotter at the end of the Million $ challenge. I guess that won’t happen now, so I wish you well in your new endeavors.

Trade Well

The Ever Wishing Well VIPER

StopR, LOL, you had better lay off the reality checks before you hurt someones feelings.

The Ever Watching The Drama VIPER

Those who have overlooked to safeguard themselves from the events as they happened might want to consider freeing up appr. 10.5 GByte of space for some goodies. They also want to consider sending me a PM with an email address that I can send some relevant links to - if you know what I mean

GLGT ! :41:

Just want to say that ICT did a great job to prepare all of us for the present reality.
Sooner or later, I think he knew that things were going this way. He did a great job anticipating it!


Pippy, if it’s not a trouble for you, please add my e-mail since I can’t send PM messages…gosh!!!
molino26 @ gmail dot com

Thanks mate

i sent you my email on your profile pippy, cant pm you also

There is nothing in the CFTC rules and regulations that ICT was breaking. In fact, if you go to Youtube, you’ll see all kinds of forex trading advice, similar to what he was giving. You also have Raghee Horner and her trading advice. The CFTC are not worried about little fish, they are there to REGULATE the brokers, banks, hedge funds. ICT has NOT found the holy grail to trading, there isn’t one.

ICT has left for whatever reasons (maybe personal). There is no law about tweeting, but he has chosen to stop.

Let’s all move on, trading isn’t about one person, if you believe it is, then you are destined to fail.

I would agree with everything you say except for michael’s claims he was shut down in late 90’s early 00’s by the cftc when he was doing a similar thing on aol for stocks.

That’s why he added the disclosure information to his videos and tried to consistently point out he wasn’t providing a service.

To suggest the cftc would never go after an individual doing what he was doing essentially challenges his account of history. To add credibility to his point…how many other individuals doing educational trade videos and showing ways to trade the market include disclosure about what they are and what they aren’t.

If you believe his account from about 10 years ago, he was potentially on their radar.

Like I said in my post. Everyone is entitle to an opinion. I’m not here to change your mind and hope you’re not intending to change mine. I hope you see your post as an opinion and not fact as right now, none of us know.

You may think it was all personal reasons. That’s fine.

My impression is there was more to it than just personal. Although…I must admit. I had many thoughts that Mrs ICT must be very understanding to let him do this for free given the time it would take and that he has 5 kids.

Cftc could certainly be a code word for mrs ict. If you catch my drift. :slight_smile:

However, I’m not sure he would exit the way he did if it was completely by choice and personal reasons.

And I fully agree with the point regarding moving on. It’s the only thing to do. I was pretty much to the point where I almost didn’t want to watch market reviews because I wanted the analysis and trading to be mine and would watch market reviews a couple days after posted. I never watched the 2/23 or 2/26 reviews as enough time hand passed and didn’t want future looking comment that may be in them to influence me.

He was preparing a lot of stuff for us. He just STARTED a new thread. He just came up with one live trade every week. Made some cool videos… and just shut everything down like that? Dunno… Hardly beleave this is personal.

Another point. He worked at 3am in the morning and at 7-10am in the morning. Thats like 3 hours a day if you look from job perspective. There are families which handle father/husband being away way more while he was at home all the time. He could pause whenever he wanted. He could take some time off, like he did while went on the anniversary trip. Smell fisny :stuck_out_tongue: wished he could pop up here, just say “Guys i’m alright. Everything is ok. I had some legal **** coming at me, thats why i stoped. Keep in touch” :slight_smile: that would be really epic.

Hey Pip,
Can;t send emails yet. But would like to be included all the same.

Well you see here’s the problem. There are a few people I talk to and not mentioning any names we have the consensus that we really don’t think she trades or knows how to.

So for a person who constantly loses money and gives you added liquidity I don’t think you want out of the picture precisely I mean c’mon we all want that rich idiot “friend” who will keep buying rocks from you for a million a piece right? As for ICT who can make pretty damn good trades, actively trades, and takes the trading and openly shares it [U][I][B]FOR FREE[/B][/I][/U] well that to the eliters would be a threat because now there are a few hundred more elites and possibly better ones out and about taking their money. Remember FX is a zero sum game.

Lastly its not hard for any shyster to setup a trading program and get renown for learning how to trade historical price. I am not a whiz at photoshop, but MS paint aint hard to use nor is excel.

Also its not hard to write a book, if someone like Nicole Poluski has a book well… Lets just say publications will be willing to publish anyone’s bs.

[B]Déjà vu [/B]

If you want to see a mirror image of this psychology playing out, go perform a search on [I]therumpledone, mp6140 & Tymen1[/I] & scroll towards the end of their lives on here.

Without exception, it all ends messily & in tears.
It’s a sure bet.

Gurus are like buses. Sooner or later there’ll be another one along to fill the void with bigger & more colorful toys to play with.

THe only one I’m familiar with on your list is tymen1…and wasn’t he gone as more of a rift with babypips?

Thinking through that a little more…I don’t think babypips played into this. That wouldn’t explain why he took down he little used blog as well. ICT was using his blog for a while, then move to babypips. if he had some problem here, he likely would have gone back to his own blog, and changed his twitter name.