The Inner Circle Trader's Millionaire Traders Guild

ICT mentioned in one of his videos that he prefers a charting software other than MT4. Anyone remember what that is?

I think GFT Dealbook 360.

hello everyone… my name is Robert and i’m a newbie in this world of forex thing… :slight_smile: i’ve just started to learn forex for a month… and i found this thread and reading all your comments to ICT, its looks like that ICT has taught you guys something amazing… and i decided to read this threat from the first page and still don’t get it what has ICT taught to you guys.

Can someone tell me please, where i should start as a beginner to understand what this thread are talking about? or maybe where can I get the first tutorial from ICT?

Thank you all,


Hi Robert.
Some videos are available on the first page of ICT’s thread.
At the the moment there are only 3, but there are many more to come.
Go here:

Hi piptronix… Thank you very much for your information, appreciate that so much :slight_smile:


He gave us a Treasure’s Map… :53:

…now, ‘‘Take that broom and sweep the floors’’ young man…


Draw fib from Oct 2011 high to Jan 2012 low - What do you see? Also Wed high to low. Also bounced off weekly resistance. I would leave Oct fib on charts for now, price seems to bounce between levels. We almost reached the weekly pivot on TT on Friday, so be careful.

I took a loss on Friday too going long for many reasons. Another response has posted the higher timeframe OTE.

We may be at a turning point to head lower. Market structure on cable was bullish while euro was showing weakness.

On the traders trinity, we were at fair value for euro and sell zone for cable.

We may oscillate for a while or price may more up to continue the past 6 weeks bullish move or we may go lower.

I think a case could have been made either way on Friday. Remember, it’s probabilities, not guarantees.

I didn’t trade Friday but I was looking for fiber to possibly take out stops at the 1.321 level. Market flow was short on all time frames but daily. Using huge bear flag made from Wed. and Thurs. price action stops correlated with projected distribution for Friday. On my feed price hit last months MS1 to the pip.

Again I didn’t trade it but it was fun to watch.

Hi again everyone,

I have read the previous thread of ICT, “What Every New, and or Aspiring Forex Trader… Still Wants to Know” and until page of 25 I found that I still a little bit confused and not able to understand to what are the people talking about, maybe that’s because I’m too newbie in this forex world. I’ve watched some of ICT’s videos :

  1. What Every New, and or Aspiring Forex Trader… Still Wants to Know,
  2. The Excellence Of Execution
  3. Handling Losses and Inevitable Drawdowns
  4. Forex Risk Management

Are there any videos that I missed? and I can’t open ICT’s blog, is it still there or moved to another address? :), and still don’t understand the system that ICT use for trading… . I’m sorry for bothering you guys with my questions, maybe it because i’m totally new in this FX-World and i’m very eager to know a lot, since I’m a self taught, or are there any suggestions materials, subject, books or anything that I should mastered and read first?

Thank you before guys, :slight_smile:


hm,… in this case, go back to school: School of Pipsology

…and when graduate, then go there: 301 Moved Permanently

…when get to about page 250 [U]at least[/U] and still have questions, then come back here to ask :wink:

hope this helps

You read about 950 pages in 7 hours? …WOW… :eek:

There is currently no blog. ICT used twitter the last months but had to close his twitter account. He might open a new one when time comes.
The “system” you talk about is not really a system. It’s a basical and (more or less) simple approach to the markets, i.e. no indicators or expert advisors are needed. The most important thing you need and the most precise “indicator” you will ever find is on your charts already: price.
Michael teaches how to use support + resistance, how to read price action, how to use the different timeframes, kind of “naked trading”.

I agree with Kubio, the Babypips School is a good resource and a good point to start learning. Then you should have a look at ICT’s first thread b/c that’s where everything started:

and then of course:

Go through these threads and take your time, it’s not a race.
ICT released a lot more videos. I think he’s editing them right now and already started to upload them again, so they will come, it just takes a while.


Haven’t had a chance to keep up with the thread for about the past 5 days. Was there ever a chat room set up? I know Clark was talking about getting something going on IRC…


send Clark a skype message and he’ll get you set up

I beleive this was related to a discussion of Smart Money Tool, as Dealbook allows a very easy overlay of secondary currency, so it makes SMT very easy to use and see.

When you cut thru the chit chat and filter only ICT responses its pretty much the size of a childrens flip book not the 3 JRR Tolken books :smiley:

And the you start watching the
Videos and realize its a collection that is a significant time investment to watch them all.

Sorry to keep bugging about this subject, do you have his name on Skype?

Look for Clark Lai

aahh… that’s why i don’t get it I missed “What Every New or Aspiring FX Trader Wants to Know…”, I started to read ICT’s thread from “What…“Still” Wants to KNow”. :slight_smile: Thanks a lot Flying Rhino :slight_smile:
