Newbie making money daily

[QUOTE=“BabyButterFly;615680”]It is a 4th day winning streak now. I will post the end of trading day results soon[/QUOTE]

Very interesting can you share how the strategy works?

To be very frank and truthful, I do not understand at all how the strategy works. I only know it works and I follow exactly what I am supposed to do.

You can google Butterfly Strategy and there are many explanations there. I have read it all and I am still totally confused.

I am sure there are senior members here that understand it very well, maybe they can shed some light.

This is the results so far for today. I have booked already a profit of $13. Understand though that my account is just $70.

I was told that I am mad to try and trade forex with just $70 but that was what I was willing to risk

hmmm, care to shaee thev’butterfly strategy’ ?

Took a quick profit here so I can go off for the weekend.

This makes it a 5 day winning streak.

We have had constant winners everyday of the week…

Will this continue indefinitely… watching the Butterfly work I would say very likely YES

First trade taken for the day…first profit for the week

Can I guess - ?

Are you taking bullish butterfly’s at the bottom of a descending channel, as long as it is the second harmonic butterfly?
Then, taking bearish butterfly’s at the top of ascending channels, as long as it is the second harmonic butterfly?

Strong angle leading into X
Maybe an indiciator like stochastic

Trading on the m5 or m1.

Am I in the vicinity?

I don’t have the time to pull up my chart to draw in the harmonics at the price you traded from. But will do so tomorrow b/c I’m curious.

Wow…that is extremely complicated and totally out of my league.

You are the one that can explain how it all gets done.

Me I just follow the instructions and take profits when told to do so

When you use the term Butterfly, you are referring to harmonic butterfly’s - right?

If ascending and descending channels are “out of your league”…I think I already know the answer to my question lol.

No I am not referring to harmonic butterfly.

I have no idea what that is.

Just do a google search for butterfly strategy and you will find lots of information on it.

Good that you know exactly what it is…maybe you can explain it in a manner I can understand then

I just had a look at google for harmonic butterfly and had an interesting read.

We are obviously talking about a completely different method of trading.

The Butterfly Strategy being used here does not make use of any charts nor the use of any indicators.

It is just a mathematical mechanical method. Simple arithmetics. Effective money and profit generator but simple arithmetics anyway.

Another trade. Another profit

Bro, mind sharing with us how you trading these profitable trades? :slight_smile:

I am trading the Butterfly Strategy. Don’t ask me to explain how it works because I don’t really know and it seems no one is willing to explain it. There is a lot of information on it on google though. I just wish I can understand it. I only know it works…and very well at that

There is another trade setting up. Once I can get to set it up I will trade it and when the profits comes I will book it then I will post it

Ok…had the set up…Traded it…Booked the profit…now I post.

I trade…I book…I post !!!

Another trade…another profit.

I trade… I book…I post

Another trade yet another profit. $12

I trade…I book…I post

Another trip and another profit…this time $2 and the day has not ended yet.

I trade…I book…I post

Another trade…another profit… $24 or 24 pips

I trade…I book…I post.

Another trade…another win 3 pips…$3

I trade…I win…I post