Any expeirence with plus500?

hi guys finally found a forum hopefully ill find the answer

does anyone have an account with plus500.

i just signed for real money 3 days ago, i did the verifcation all aproved apart of copy of credit card?
i dont have a credit card can i give them a deibt card?
they said to me yes andthey wanted a scan front and back of the card.

the question is how do i scan back of the card where my 5 digit will be visible, and they may use it for transaction because they will get my debit card number/3 digit.

when copy of cretid card get appproved is there anything more. will i b e able to withdraw

i deposit 100 quid and it was ok without a problem
sorry i got a bad keyboard
please help

Here is some discussion:

i am a bit nervous cuz they asking for a copy of my creti/debid card front and back of the card is it ok to uploadad? cuz my 5 digit at the back will be visible and they may use my card for a transaction

Sounds like you should address those questions to your brokers support team, that’s what they do. One thing I can add is that if you do not feel comfortable doing something then just don’t do it.

I had an account with Plus500 and I did not have good experience with them. They do not allow you to set price per pip so with £100 account, your balance will be wiped off with 2 or 3 successive losing trades. If you deposit more money then they will automatically upgrade your account so that mean your price per pip will be even higher.

They do not provide MT4 platform so I will recommend to choose a broiker which provide MT4 platform. They do not have all indicators in their platform either.

You can search Plus500 on Forex Peace Army website to read about withdrawl issues. I have just shared my expereience so whether to go ahead with them or not is completely your choice.

Advanced Search - Forex Peace Army Forum

switchd to avatrade so far so good