I'm using this strategy is it good?

SMA 200, 120, 50, 20, 7

Hello Soufiani

You dont need 2 MA’s for the long term. Better to choose one either 200 or 120 or anything optimized in between to detect the direction of the long term trend.

As for the 2 short term MA s you can keep them if you are going to use crossover tactics. Of course it would be wise to optimize them as well.

MACD is not needed since you already have a long term MA to detect LT direction.
You can choose, either MACD or a LT MA.

What you may be missing is Barriers to change (Sup.&Res) perhaps that will fine tune your chart better.

The art is to use minimum tools for maximum result. If you do the opposite you may be wasting time, energy and perhaps money!! Good luck.

Thanks,& i’m using 15 min, 1h & 4h
Do u have better strategy or idea for trading

I suggest you give your system a go for a few months to see how it fares in real market conditions or you could run a back test also. Seems like you’ve got a nice combination of indicators and the use of multiple time frame analysis is a good strategy. Best of luck to you!

looks pretty nice. keep us up to date with results =)

Only you can answer that as every traders has a different approach. I could tell you that your approach is rubbish and another one could tell you the opposite. In the end it does not matter what anyone else besides you thinks about it. As PipDiddy suggested, test it in a live account and you will get the answer you are looking for.

Thank you guys, i’m gonna test this strategy to know if it works for me

One mans trash is another mans gold. The question is this,
Is it any good for u. Whats good for one person may not be good for the other. There is no one way to trade.

Any strategy need to be tested in at least one year of time period, than you will have the answer on your question.

As long as you have a good money management strategy of not risking more than 3-5% of your account, then win 50% of your trades and risk reward ratio of 1:1, then you’re okay.

Awesome. Keep us posted on how it goes!

Thank you guys for your advices

May be if you can talk about your entries and exits, it will be good to analyze your strategy and traders here can help you.

As i see the chart, i can only understand that you are looking to go short at the re-test of trend line or SMA 7 crossing 20 from above after the re-test?

It’s not clear buddy.

Am sorry, that i can’t be any more help with the information you provided.

Because, i believe that entries and exists can only decide if a strategy is good or bad.
