Global and US Market Strong Weak Rankings

Lots of red today, only thing up was retail and just barely

Whole market up except Financials, look how many are above all three moving averages, this is still a strong market

Metals & Mining lead market higher, this is a strong move off support, I would look for this one to head higher

About 2/3rds of the market was down today lead lower by YTD strongest sector Biotech, The third of the market up was lead by Home builders, fed raises interest rates and Home Builders goes to new yearly high, go figure

Homebuilders have been hot the last month, now moving up to 3rd place YTD

Excellent conversation between Stefan Molyneux and Peter Schiff, I am always looking for people outside the mainstream corrupt media for economic insight, Peter is one of those people and I will be paying close attention to what he has to say

Published on Mar 18, 2017
In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy discuss the economic populism that voters in Michigan want to hear but that Democrats refuse to say and what happens when private equity runs out of things to buy. In the second half, Max talks to Mish Shedlock of about the Fed’s interest rate hike.

Here is were we will start the week off, Friday was a mostly down day for the markets

My Weekly market review

Mixed day with 8 ETF’s up lead by Semiconductors. 14 ETF’s down lead by Retail

most of the market is a tight consolidation

We knew this party had to end at some point, today was the day, DOW down over 200, worse day of the year for the market. only area up was Utilities

It would had been nice if this had happen on Monday, as Monday selloffs trend to recover by Friday.

about 2/3rds of market was up but only a little compared to yesterdays big selloff

biggest loser was our weakest sector XOP, energy continues to be an area to avoid

Mixed day with 8 ETF’s up vs 14 down so the bias is still moving the market lower, but on the bright side the days top two performers RWR and XRT where up more then any of the down ETF’s

Utilities remain only one of two ETF’s above it’s 10 dma. Showing that Utilities remains the best place to park money during market down turns

We enter the last week of March with the market having it’s worst week since before the Presidential election. The DOW, and S&P are in danger of their fist down month since October, There are sill areas of the market bucking this selloff, Nasdaq 100, Semiconductors, and Tech are among 8 of 22 ETF’s still positive for the month.

Note how with most of the market down on Friday, 7 or my top 8 ETF’s had winning days, showing a widening gap between the strong and weak sectors

Here his my weekly market recap video

Strong Yen action in early trading could mean a down opening for US stocks if these numbers hold overnight

Last years #2 ETF Semiconductors remains hot and could post it’s 5 straight up month and 12 of the last 14 months have been up as well. SMH was up 34% last year and is on course to top that. Such a two year run is not unheard off, as this sector did just that in 2013 & 2014

As expected we had a gap open lower but then recovered and by days end it was a 50/50 market lead higher buy YTD leader Biotech, down issues were lead lower by Reit’s

YTD leader Biotech had a nice bullish engulfing candle respecting the 50 day moving average. If this broader market pull back is nothing more then that then Biotech looks ready to lead market to new highs

Nice gap higher open for Silver and it held its gains into the close. Silver is up over 13.5% for the year vs. 9% for gold, Seeing all the industrial uses for silver I would expect silver to out perform gold over the long term

Those gaps make me feel sick - how people can hold ‘over-night’ and are still able to sleep god only knows!

I get nervous about FX weekend gaps, let alone one day to the next! :wink:

nearly all green today, DOW and S&P are now just one average up day from being positive for the month, Energy got a bid today on volume, nice to see continuation following yesterdays reversals

Nice two day move for XOP with today’s move on volume, I would say the selloff in energy is over for the moment, not a bad place to jump in for a swing move higher

It all depends on what kind of trader you are, as far as silver, I see it as a long term hold and worth accumulating at these levels

Mixed day with better then two thirds of the market in the green, Energy continues to lead this rally

Look at all the green balls indicating price trading above the 10 dma, I think a week ago we had two