Global and US Market Strong Weak Rankings

Just imagine if you did, and sold it a year later! Reminds me of the Tulip boom

Good day in the markets, energy continues to struggle, If you bought Wednesday’s dip you are feeling really good right now

It is fun to say what if, but who could of held throw that 60% dip following the first time it hit $1000, that would had been a $18 million drop

Max and Stacy explain why this market does not care what happens in Washington, Great segment!

Buying shares of company stock is much riskier over ETF’s , but these 9 companies look bullet proof for the foreseeable future. All have a business plan that involves doing more with less employees. Walmart may seem a bit old school next to the rest of these tech giants but if pushed by unionization and $15 dollar min wage, The countries #1 employer could easily shed 250,000 jobs through automation, we are already seeing that with expansion of self serve checkouts. When that over due market correction finally hits, these 9 will become a very attractive buy

Another mostly green day, on the plus side XME lead higher, on the down side Retail, no surprise there

This market continues to see little risk, and with a large number of doomsayers calling for a market collapse, any down day is a buy

This has been fun to watch, EC and Dash have join the billion $$ market cap club, Total CryptoCurrency market cap tops $86 Billion

lots of short term risk buying here, but for the long term no reason to think this will not be a $500 billion market cap in not too distant future

Another up day lead by Reits , still no love for energy

A clear breakout move for S&P500, New all time high, Nasdaq is the strongest among major indexes, also at new all time high

Seven up days in a row, if we are up tomorrow, that will be the first time this year the S&P went a whole week of green bars, Q’s did it earlier in the year

the highlighted ETF’s are at all time highs

Are we finally getting a meaningful pull back in the Cryptos, Bitcoin hit $2700 today before the whole crypto market started to selloff , Lets hope we get more than one down day, a week or two of pullbacks and sideways action to put in a new base is what this market needs.

Dream Team Portfolio, that is what I will be calling this group of stocks, watch for weekly updates and buy signals, Some might see this group as a high risk portfolio, I see a greater risk in not being part of this group. While I may not do business with some of these companies based on political and moral reasons, I will take full advantage of their stock price appreciation

This is the reality of retail, best to stay clear of this area except for Amazon and Walmart

Here is my weekly market review video, Big move in Bitcoin, rest of markets seem to be sleep walking

US markets are Closed on Monday, we will start the new week on Tuesday with a third of the market at all time highs

Market was lead lower by Energy and Biotech, Only 5 ETF’s up today but all five saw new all time Highs

Below we see Bitcoin and Ethereum current price, followed by where we started May, at first glance we see Bitcoin go from more then 3 times the price of Ethereum to less than 2 times, That might make it seem Ethereum was gaining but that is not the case, This month Bitcoin has added 14.1 Billion to it’s market cap, compared to 13.8 billion for Ethereum. but that sliver thin win over the #2 crypto is telling us that the majority of new money in this sector is not going into Bitcoin.

Bitcoin may be the Apple iphone of this sector and may hold the top spot for some time to come, but the competition is slowing taking away market cap, and as history has shown being #1 in the early stages of a new market is much easier then staying there.

We will revisit this at end of June and see if Ethereum can over take Bitcoins monthly market cap gains

Mixed day in the markets with Energy getting hit again, Energy as a sector is going to be well under valued after this bear market ends. Utilities lead on the up side

I am not digging this new format

Anyway, Dow Transports up big off a pin bar reversal, if we can clear 9320.00 this has room to run

Trump pulls US out of Paris Climate deal and market is up across the board, every sector is up, when was last time we saw that, half were up more then 1%, that is a strong market

Today top ETF Biotech gave us a huge continuation candle following a reversal pin bar, I would look for Biotech to move higher from here and possibly retake the #1 spot