If you have more sex sessions per week than total trades then you are doing it properly :wink: win:win

Love the humor! Unfortunatly according to your theory, I am not doing it properly. I either need to make less trades or have sex more often.

Some of my favorite quotes…

"aim for the stars and you may reach the moon"
don’t remember if I said that or if it’s a famous quote

"time and pressure"

"It only goes up and down, doesn’t get any simpler than that"

Thats a given San… unfortunately were out numbered… most trade the 5 & 15m TF’s… the mind boggles??? LOL!!!

Here’s my favourite… ‘you want a guarantee in life? [B]Buy a toaster[/B]!’ :18:

Asking about perectages that fulltime traders make is one thing. That is understandable. But asking about specific dollar amounts is another.

I come from a ranching world. everyone owns large spreads, everyone talks about how business is going, but no one asks “How many head you got?” or “how many acres is the spread?”…

You dont ask someone about specifics of there incomes… especially not online…

Just like…
You dont ask a woman about her age.
You dont ask her how much she weighs.
You dont ask a man how his wife is in bed.
You dont ask about her bra size.
You dont ask a rancher about specifics of his herd.

But see, there again you’ve underestimated the power of anonymity.

Think you’d get truthfulness there?
Think again.

If this WERE that type of forum, every guy’s gal would be a Playboy centerfold. And he would be built like a Greek god, and last longer than the Energizer bunny.

In reality, he would probably look like Mr. Burns from the Simpsons, and she looks and sounds like Rosanne Barr.

The good thing about this place is, there are enough people here that can see someone spouting crappola, and usually call them on it.
Keep reading, and you’ll be able to separate the wheat from the chaff soon enough, and you won’t even need to see a 1099 from the broker.

I think that’s exactly what Strauss-Kahn said just before he ran out of the hotel.

I (obviously) read this thread daily because it’s quite interesting.

Let me say this (after very careful thought):

If I MYSELF were making 100K per day / week / month / year I’d have NO problem ‘showing off’ to the world just as long as my tax affairs etc. were in order. I mean to say: what’s the ‘big deal’ if everybody on the Internet knows how much you’re making in MONETARY terms if it’s THAT much??? It’s something to be proud of in my opinion!!! I mean let’s face it: it’s public information (by law) that the entire world can find out at any time what the CEOs of the big investment firms are making annually (although in all probability those figures quoted on their financial statements, you can bet, are the ‘absolute verifiable minimums’. Ever heard of ‘creative accounting’???)!!! LOL!!!

As I noted previously though: I’m NOT YET making that type of money (so at best, if ever, you’ll only ever find me quoting percentage gains UNTIL THEN)!!! LOL!!! But WHEN it happens I promise you I’ll give you all ‘read-only’ access to my trading account!!!

And WHEN it happens: FIRST THING I’M DOING is buying plane tickets and making five-star hotel reservations for a week for an ‘all expenses paid week of debauchery’ for those of you who are ‘close’ to me here and have been supportive and helpful to me over the years!!! LOL!!! After that (and assuming I’m still ALIVE after the excesses of the week): next stop is New York to go buy ‘Charging Bull’ (the REAL one in Bowling Green and while I’m there I may as well go and buy what’s left of the genuine miniatures from Arturo. You know. Get it all over with ‘one time’)!!! LOL!!! After that: I’ll be off to ‘buy’ my Finnish bride (that’s going to cost a lot given who she is)!!! LOL!!! And then, well, there’s things like an apartment overlooking Central Park, my own office space INSIDE the NYSE, what else??? Limos and drivers to take me to the office to check on MY trading room (you know: make sure that my ‘Turtles’ are following my trading systems ‘to the letter’), lunch at Ramsey’s restaurant in New York. Hmmmnnn… Given enough time I’m sure this could be a WAY longer post!!! LOL!!!

Let’s face it: IF NOTHING ELSE this business gives you ‘hopes and dreams’!!! LOL!!!

(And let it be noted I’m not drinking today even although it’s a public holiday here i.e. local elections today so no excuses for this post)!!! LOL!!!



‘All I want for Christmas’ (‘from this business’)!!! LOL!!! (That rhymes)!!! (Sorry: only five attachments allowed per post so I had to be ‘discretionary’ and leave out the pictures of Manhattan and the motorized yacht)!!! LOL!!!

I agree with you Dale. While my account is small I’m willing to reveal percentages. No trading yesterday, too busy. Day before that lost 2% and won 4% for a net gain of 2%. When the account gets big enough I’ll brag on $ gains. :smiley:


Well think about. What’s the WORST that could happen if the whole world knew that you were making a few hundred thousand USD, EUR, or GBP per month or a few million USD, EUR, or GBP per annum (AFTER TAX)??? You could get kidnapped (and you can buy insurance cover for that). And of course you’d be inundated with people asking you to loan money or trying to sell you something and to me this would be no different from where I’m ‘at’ now i.e. having to repeatedly respond to the questions like ‘which broker is best?’ or ‘can I make 900% ROI each and every single trading day?’ LOL!!! I’d treat the people wanting to loan money or trying to sell me something with the same contempt!!! LOL!!! Other than those two POSSIBLE ‘negatives’ I don’t see the problem!!! LOL!!!

Tell ya what: WHEN I reach that stage (if it’s before you that is) I’ll let you know if I’m right or wrong on the above!!! LOL!!!

And actually this just reminded me of one of those old anecdotes that goes something along the lines of ‘money doesn’t bring you happiness’. While that MAY be true: I’d rather cry on the back seat of an armour-plated limo than in the front seat of a Volkswagen Beetle!!! LOL!!!

And don’t let anybody tell you that ‘failure builds character’ and ‘will make you a better person’!!! I lived in the ‘poorhouse’ long enough after my ‘spectacular wipeout’ and I’ll tell you that it didn’t make ME ANY nicer of a person or ‘build my character’. All it did was make me ‘bitter and twisted’ and more resolute than ever to get back to where I was, and then where I want to be (as described above), at ALL and at ANY cost (the point being that the words ‘ALL’ and ‘ANY’ would not have featured before that)!!! LOL!!! So ‘Gordon Gecko having stepped aside: there’s a new ‘cu*t’ on the block’!!!



Don’t think I’ve ever seen you do a 180 in a single paragraph before Dale… read it again! Sounds to have been a pretty convincing ‘Character building’ experience to me? Now exactly what kind of ‘character’ has emerged from this is a whole other thread and probably forum! LOL!!!

I thought that in the sequel… err… the ‘gentleman’… Mr Gecko… after returning from his vacation, ‘borrowed’ a $100mill and was still out there? :eek:



I don’t know. I never saw the sequel as I was told it wasn’t anywhere near as good as the original (although when it was released here I WAS going to use it for ‘ambush marketing’ i.e. I wanted to have ‘blonde short skirts’ handing out Deltastock leaflets, countrywide, to everyone as they came out of the movie theatre after seeing the movie but my beloved broker, given that we were not registered with our FSB, would not have it. You know that ‘do it by the book or don’t do it’ type of thing. Opportunity missed unfortunately)!!! LOL!!!

But (and I’m so glad that it’s you that has just posted so I can include this in a reply to you): I have just arrived back from WALKING to the shops to go and buy cigarettes. Why??? Because we only have one car that belongs to my father and he is using it today (no idea where he’s gone but anyway). My beautiful Chrysler 300C and Mercs were repo’d not too long after my ‘spectacular wipeout’!!! And I couldn’t help but laugh (to myself) while WALKING to the shops and back thinking about my ‘All I want for Christmas’ post above!!! LOL!!! I mean: does anybody see the ‘irony’ or ‘stark contrast’ here??? ROFLOL!!! But it’s a funny (personal) thing i.e. over the years EVERY STEP (and I mean that literally) has made me EVEN MORE resolute!!! Alright: things are not so bad now. At least NOW I can afford the cigarettes (and rum)!!! LOL!!! Put it this way: there is ONE GOOD thing that CAN come from being in the ‘poorhouse’??? It does wonders for your figure!!! Back in those days I weighed around 150kg (and I’m about 5" 9’ tall). Now, and in spite of the copious amounts of rum and Coke that I ‘force’ down my gullet when the mood takes me (and as noted I can at least afford now), I’m down to just over 100kg!!! LOL!!!

Hey: I know that being THIS ‘open and honest’ is probably not good for business. But ‘what the hell’. I believe that I will (sooner rather than later) BUY my ‘Christmas Wishlist’ and as long as I believe that: I’m ‘good to go’!!! LOL!!!

Like I said: this business at VERY least affords one hope!!! Has anybody ever thought how ‘priceless’ that is (this business)??? Like no other business on earth: you could ‘just make it’, you could make enough to ‘live comfortably’, or you could make enough to become known as a ‘filthy rich pig’ (guess who???)!!! The point is: it’s ALL UP TO YOU!!! There IS no limit!!! And I believe it can be done!!! And I don’t believe that the same could be said for any other business.

And another thing that I was thinking about during my WALK to the shops was ‘Floored - The Movie’ (which I know you appreciated). ASIDE from some very common character traits that REAL traders, it would appear, share: did you happen to notice that WITHOUT EXCEPTION every SINGLE ONE OF THEM stressed the importance of RISK AND MONEY MANAGEMENT (each in their own ‘endearing’ way)!!! ‘Cut your losses short and let your winners run’. That type of thing.




My thread about ‘Floored - The Movie’ has probably become one of those ‘corpse threads’ by now (I love that description)!!! So I thought I’d give it a bit of a ‘bump’ here given the subject matter of this thread. I believe that this movie (it’s actually a documentary not a movie) should be the first module of any trading course e.g. ‘Trading 101 - Preamble’ (or something like that)!!! LOL!!!

FLOORED | Babelgum

This documentary illustrates what’s possible i.e. what this business can do FOR you and what this business can do TO you. And these are traders ‘with THE edge’. And don’t for one minute think that you’re ‘insulated’ because you’re sitting at home or in your nice quiet office trading spot FOREX. The same rules apply.

And while I’m on the subject (although by now WAY off-topic): buy yourself the CNBC DVD ‘October 87 - Crash and Comeback’. The best I could find for you was a preview of it on YouTube:

YouTube - Crash and Comeback

It’s all about the events leading up to, and the fallout, of what has become known as ‘Black Monday’.

There are some sites that SAY that you can watch it online but they appear to be ‘of dubious nature’ to me (they want to install all manner of things before you are, apparantely, able to watch the documentary online).

Every time I watch this DVD I wonder!!! Right now: our interest rates are the lowest they’ve been for decades. Already: we’re starting to see banks offering 110% mortgages (no down payment) and finance companies offering ‘fantasmagorical deals’ i.e. buy a vehicle at the (current) low, but variable, interest rate, over 60 years, with a 99% residual value or balloon payment (obviously I’m exaggerating here, BUT ONLY BY A LITTLE, but I think you ‘get the picture’). Do want to tell me that this is not going to happen again (1929, October 87, 2008, to name but a few ‘key’ dates)??? It’s going to happen again. The only difference: THIS time I’LL be on the RIGHT side of the trade!!! LOL!!!

I agree with you on that. Percentage would be fine. On the other side, I believe there is a difference in asking woman sort of those things you mentioned and just asking in the blind (not to call a name) who can deliver evidence.

Another thing is that I do not believe that those answers would deliver anything useful. Because that one can make it doesn’t mean another can do it or that the same guy can do it again. As I wrote already.

edit: Another point what I can understand, that he wants to know something like: “If this guy says he is great in doing it and giving advice to others, I would like to know his words are where his money is.” Again, I am with you that percentage would be fine for that. Plus M. Tang is right that even this is no warranty for nothing. I can tell I have a billion dollars and every single day I make 10% more, lol. Who can give evidence it is or it is not so? I could even tune some bank accounts with photoshop, as some do with paper money, lol.

So, at the very end we are back at ourselfes. Our wishes, our beliefs and everything else. We all know there are people who did it. There are also lottery winners out there. Then there are billionaires who got it from speculation or other businesses. It’s just that those who managed to do it are a tiny percentage to those who fail. And my personal belief is, that if you start asking questions who relate to much on others, you set yourself already one inch closer to the failure line. To be successful in this society we all have to find our “thing”. Copyandpaster folks won’t gain anything. You can learn things from others, but at least it’s your or my money and our decisions what counts.

Hello again.

Your avatar ALWAYS ‘inspires’ me too!!! Never change it!!!

Just to be clear: when I was referring to ‘Gordon Gecko’ I was NOT referring to you Buckscoder!!! LOL!!!



Oh yeah, just throw it to me! I have an inch thick skin from trading. :smiley:

LOL. I am kidding.

By the way I never saw the sequel. I never watch sequels. Just the first movie. I guess sequels are like if you mount a stock with a sausage to a dog. So he is running and never gets the sausage, lol. Can you see any similarities to the forex market?

ROFLMAO!!! That’s TOO funny for words!!! LOL!!!




And by the way: don’t anybody go blaming ME for my inane posts today. At the time of posting this the Dow Futures has a nett change of 14 points since midnight last night (EET or GMT+2) so I’m daydreaming is all!!! LOL!!! Any complaints: call NYSE EURONEXT (and while you’re on the phone ask them if they’re actually open today)!!! LOL!!!

interesting thread


Well: we all do our best to entertain (if nothing else) on quiet days!!! LOL!!!

