
I used to work with healthfusion - yes, I am a nerd - and my colleagues and I have Friday night sessions when we have a bottles of Sam Adams in one hand and a cue stick in another. Sometimes it will be coors or Pabst too - not so nerdy now, eh?

About the “nerd” part - I used to be teased by friends from college that I am so nerdy along with people I worked with - little did they know :slight_smile:

When I visited Manila last year I tried their beer and I especially like their Red Horse beer :slight_smile:

I actually prefer Jack Daniels, but if I have to go for brews, here are my top 3:

Sam Adams

Corona is the best, especially when it comes to days parties at the beach

10 Brilliant Uses for Beer


For the 7th year, the best beer in America is…


Bud seems to be my taste among all I have tasted.

Asian Beers are good too… Can we include Soju and Sake too?

In US Bud Light most popular beer.

I don’t know how many times I’ve mentioned Sam Adams in this topic. I am obviously a fan. We went with some friends and it’s BYOB. I was the only one drinking Sam Adams and everyone else had Corona. Some also mixed up, well not really mixed up but poured Margarita. They got it from Costco and it was actually good. On the other hand, my Sam and I had a good night. :slight_smile:

(late response I know, but it fits for my reply)

I once had a can of Fosters, which was apparently Canadian for Australian for Beer.

Hoegardeen and Stella Artois. Similar in taste. I like both.

Best Unknown Breweries in Each State

Big Dog Brewery, Las Vegas


A recent discovery reveals one of the reasons why we Germans drink so much beer – blue eyes.

From an article in The Daily Mail –

“When psychologists at Georgia State University in Atlanta surveyed more than 12,000 men and women, they found those with light eyes consumed significantly more alcohol than those with dark eyes. The reason brown-eyed people may drink less - and also be less likely to be alcoholics - is because they need less alcohol to become intoxicated.”

The Daily Mail article asserts a correlation between eye color and all sorts of personal characteristics, talents, habits, and medical conditions. Here’s a LINK to the article.

We're German. We have beer with breakfast.
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You may, or may not, agree with this ranking. — Your opinions are welcome here.

America’s 40 Most Delicious Beers

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I am 21 years old, so I’ve just started my adventures into beer drinking. Developing my own tastes, beyond whatever dad bought that I would have whilst still underage. Miller High Life was his go to.

I find myself generally leaning towards IPAs - Voodoo Ranger Imperial, Two Hearted Ale, and any Founders IPA are my current go tos. Stouts and scotch ales are commonly consumed as well - in the winter I bought a 4-pack of Founders Backwoods Bastard, and it’s one of my favorites for a cold evening.

I live in a small town in redneckville in the midwest, and and common idea people have about beer consumed in a small town is true - most of the people here are buying cases of Keystone Light, Bud Light, etc… but, that leaves plenty of the unique stuff for me on the shelves.

Sometimes you can find a porter or a Scotch ale from Sam Adams that is tremendous!

is it me or do I recall beer on tap tasting better than the same beer in a bottle? And if so why is that the case?


I prefer various dark beers which means I am barely drinking beer during the summer unfortunately.

Looks like you opened a whole can of worms here, Clint. Awesome thread.

My vote for worst beer ever: Bud Lite :nauseated_face:

In college a friend put us onto King Pin. I believe it was a lager from England, unfiltered and came in a 2L plastic bottle! It was pretty bad.

My mistake. I meant to open a whole can of beer. :grinning:

Thanks for the comment, Steve.

Budweiser used to have a slogan — When you say “Budweiser”, you’ve said it all.
That was back in the days of black-and-white t.v., before Bud Lite was introduced.
Probably before your time.

Anyway, friends of mine reworded that slogan — When you say Butt Wiper, you’ve said it all.

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