Dealing with Muggles

“You should trade stocks instead because it’s more popular.”

If they just read the first pages of the School of Pipsology…

I really wanna kill muggles today.

In fact I wanna set 'em on fire, pour salt on their wounds and make them dig their own graves. The lesson of today is never tell to anyone what you do, never. Big Mistake wich has not turning back. Dam!!!

lol you guys must get worked up very easily. some guy working at an investment bank said you will lose all your money if you play with forex. lol

Well, he is pretty right on that. If not careful you can lose everything.

I really hate politicians, wait a minute, no, I must love those idiots too, because their crapp actions makes me make money. So the more muggles out there, the more money I can make due the idiocy of masses. Awwwww yeahhhhhhhh!!!

Minutes ago a colleague for making fun of me said “you have to buy Twitter stock they are rising”, and before he ended the phrase and responded “Did I ask for your opinion? F***** No, shut up and stick into your own bussines”.

LOL. I also hate it when people confuse forex with stocks. :slight_smile:

Me too, I wanna scream when somebody says that I invest on the exchange. aaaaarrrrrgggggg