Hobbies / Pass-Times

We gave our camera to a family member in their 20ft speed boat who took a few pics for us…and then they gave it back :wink:

I was going to say for someone who promotes boat safety (kudos by the way) I was sure you already knew jumping off your boat while it is in motion to swim to land a snap a picture was not the safest move I have ever seen :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha that’d explain it then! It’s a lovely boat btw

That’s a sweet boat - just what I’m after!

That’s a point actually SweetPip, if it isn’t too rude to ask… how much would one of those bad boys set me back? Can you ent stuff like that? Seems like the perfect thing for summer.

Actually boats are usually referred to in the feminine :wink: Yes it’s perfect for summer and, for us here on the west coast with our rather mild winters, all year round :slight_smile:

The price can range quite a bit depending. One can pick them up in the US for quite a good price these days…here’s a link…there’s quite a few. Ours is a LRC = Long Range Cruiser. Californian boats for sale - www.yachtworld.com

My goal is to one day be trading for real while anchored out in some remote bay :51:

We also use our boat to take out special needs children & their families who otherwise wouldn’t ever get to experience boating. An organization called “Variety, the Children’s Charity” organizes an event & fund raiser called “Boat For Hope”, and we volunteer ourselves to take some of these kids out for a pirate themed “treasure hunt” which is hosted by the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club. Here’s us all “decked” out…I tried to make it look like we had cannons on the sides of our boat…but one got loose…now I say there’s a loose cannon somewhere in the harbour…lol :wink:

I’ve done a lot of work with kids that have special needs & I’ve got a lot of respect for you for giving something back. These kids & there families will truly appreciate this sort of outing so Sweet Pip, I doff my hat to you young Sir.

I’ll second that but I’m going for young Madam!

I like to be referred to in the feminine tense too…;)…but thanks and right back at ya :slight_smile:

Seriously?!? Woman are allowed to trade? What has the world come to? :stuck_out_tongue:

My sincerest apologies! I should maybe look into name/avatar & gender correlations. If I got that wrong, now I’m worried that I’ve made a mistake with David, my wife.

(in case my sense of humour is misconstrued & misses the mark, my wife is called Jacqui & the above is a joke).

Shhhhh…don’t tell the Taliban :wink:

This is seriously awesome, great to see you doing your bit to help others and in such a cool fashion too!

I’ve no problem with them trading (make an ideal gf in fact), but haven’t they read Rule 30 of the Internet? :stuck_out_tongue:

i like photography as my hobbie

Here’s a little video of our boating group’s Easter weekend this year…arrrrr matey! (I’m in there somewhere… :5:)

I told my wife that my hobby was annoying her and she laughed and told me I am doing a good job.

Lately my hobby has been annoying the neighborhood dog. There is a dog in the neighborhood about a hundred yards away and late at night I will go out with the air rifle shooting a large plastic target. It makes a lot of noise when I hit it. Then the dog barks, then I laugh, then I shoot the target again, then he barks again. Well, you get the idea. Don’t get me wrong, I love dogs. I have two of them, but that dog barking at me is always good for a chuckle. I do some ham radio if anyone is into that. I also like to spend lots of time with my kids.

Lately my hobby has been annoying the neighborhood dog. There is a dog in the neighborhood about a hundred yards away and late at night I will go out with the air rifle shooting a large plastic target. It makes a lot of noise when I hit it. Then the dog barks, then I laugh, then I shoot the target again, then he barks again.[/QUOTE]

So you go out late at night & the dog makes a noise because you make one (hitting the target) - yes? So to to sum it up, your new hobby isn’t “annoying the neighbourhood dog”, it’s more likely to be “annoying the entire neighbourhood”.

If we were neighbours, I’d be having words!

Aw, when you put it that way I feel bad. If its any consideration my late at night is just prior to dark while I can still see to shoot and he only barks a few times. That doesnt make the story sound as good though does it? Maybe I’ll have to find a new hobby. Shooting is relaxing for me and air rifles are relatively quiet. I used to hunt but gave that up. No offense to anyone that does, I could not see the purpose in it anymore. I do enjoy target shooting a fair bit. For those of you who do that, I had the opportunity to meet a great shooter recently. He actually was an instructor for blind athletes in archery. He was also an instructor for the SAS. He was the smoothest shooter I have ever seen. When I asked him about his methods I thought he would give me a run down on shooting drills, etc. Actually he used Zen Buddhism. Before shooting, he would imagine or visualize what he would do as part of this. He said he would lower his heart rate down and when it got to a certain point, his concentration level would shoot up. There is a book he read he recommend called the Zen of Archery. I have not read it but some of you traders may find it interesting for the mental aspects of trading. Then a couple of weeks ago I met an ex paratrooper and although he did not do the Zen thing, he said when shooting he would imagine things that were not there, such as a line connecting each of the points he wanted to hit. I think there is some correlation in trading with this. Maybe one aspect is that people give you varying instructions or that there are different methods. Some of them being more effective than others. And that success may not come through some obvious means.

So with your trail riding Baz, have you taken any spills? I had a friend in college that got pretty messed up after one downhill accident. The ground and his body didn’t agree with one another. He had a broken collarbone and some other injuries.

I had one concussion incident many many years ago & then last year I broke my wrist. Other than that, I’ve thankfully been spill free - which is very surprising as I’m majorly accident prone (blamed on being a lefty).

I went out biking with a mate about 5-weeks ago & my wife said just before we left, “Be careful, you’ve got a baby on the way & Bruce has a wedding to go to”. Needless to say something had to happen to one of us (luckily not me though). My mate took a tumble, landed on his head & then fell down a bit of a hill. He was fine though so we kept cycling. A few days later I got a photo of his bruised hip & ass. A few days after that I got a message from him saying that he was in A&E because his hip & leg was all swollen. He’d developed a blood clot & when I went to his wedding, he was still having problems with it. Here’s hoping he could consummate the marriage & that his honeymoon wasn’t ruined too much.