How many monitors/screens do you use for trading-related stuff?

Must be really sturdy and worth it. That’s a lot of real estate :cool:

Thank you for that tip.

For now, I have several watches, instead of clocks. :18: (My trading table is not facing a wall)
When I transfer to a bigger trading room, I think I am going to get a few of those clocks.

I like the analog ones better too. I just need to find those silent, well-synched clocks.

I see what you mean.
I had my 15 inch monitor for several years, everything was crammed up in it. Very limited space, specially if you like to analyze charts.
Switching to a 22 inch was a good change. I don’t feel ‘suffocated’ any more.
I plan to get a few more so I can watch more instruments simultaneously.

I use two monitors. One for MT4 and one for my trade manager. I don’t constantly stare at the charts as I only make decisions at the close of a bar so I keep MT4 shrunk down and open up a browser window and check out forums and such until my timer goes off signaling me that the bar is about to end and I need to evaluate the situation.

It is, but definitely worth it. Was a nice purchase funded by the forex market :slight_smile:

Guys, check this out!

Welcome to MWE Lab

No that is that one hell of a work station!

Did you see their advanced model? It runs at $50,000. What the heck?

I don’t know about you guys but I want this bad. And not just for trading. Think of the all the World of Warcraft you could play.

Does my smartphone count as a monitor? That’s all I primarily use these days for trading.

I usually use three screens when I trade forex.

They advertise “increased productivity” and they show facebook open on one of the screens. FB is where productivity goes to die. This desk looks like a real good way to get fat and out of shape fast, or at best put you to sleep.

On the other side of that, I am in the process of building myself a treadmill desk. It’s just a simple desktop built to stand over a treadmill, so I can walk while I’m trading or otherwise on the computer. I have only a makeshift treadmill desk at the moment, but even so I can put in 2 or 3 miles a day before I know what happened. It’s good exercise.

Back to monitors, I use only one monitor, but I take great advantage of Mac’s Spaces feature which lets me set up as many as sixteen virtual monitors. I use six. I can have many different things open on any of them at the same time. I can only see one at a time, but I can switch to any of them instantly with a keystroke. This is real nice for laptops.

I LIKE USING TWO SCREENS!! I am a sucker for having like 50 windows open at a time though lol

This has to be one of the greatest ideas I’ve ever heard. Right now I try to get up from the desk and do a series of 30 kettlebell swings, or dual kettlebell overhead presses or thrusters or something…anything to get the blood flowing. The body is made to walk though, we know that, and 8 hours of walking would do the body good. Especially on a treadmill…which naturally removes a lot of the shock to the body.

I have glasses with LCD displays on them with the input coming wirelessly from my laptop…

I have put 12 hrs on a stationary bike doing this with a little mouse pad platform attached to the handles while I trade.

You’re joking…right? I think you’re joking…but I can honestly see someone coming up with something like that.

if you’re not joking, please post the name of this…like google glasses? That would be very nice for trading\wrecking cars.

If you’re interested, google “treadmill desk” or search it on youtube. You can come up with a lot ideas for building one as simple or elaborate as you want. There’s not much to them. Walking while trading keeps your mind sharp instead of trying to make good decisions while zoned into a fog. Garage sales are full of treadmills. How many people buy them and don’t use them.