How To Spot Forex Scams

Pa kok!

you are the only one in here looking like a fool. The burden of proof is on you to prove to me that you are not full of sh*t, its not on me (who doesn’t even care about your system), nor is the burden on your pupils. Notice how your default statements are flawed. All signs of a scam artist “teacher” who makes more money teaching than trading.

I’m happy with the returns I get from my trading year to year, and I don’t need an ego that allows me to make nonsensical (foolish) arguments with people that are speaking logic. You are not even worth the $2 I spend to get my morning coffee. Now if you were to start talking in the realm of logic we can pursue this matter further, but since your retorts are the equivalent of you pulling your pants down and waving your privates at me, I’m just going to keep assuming there is nothing of value in you or your system.

Pa frikken kok!

Not speaking on Pete’s behalf, by why the hell does he need to prove anything to you?!? Arrogant much??

FWIW, I have learnt a lot from Pete. I believe he has a great trading method, and I have never been asked for, nor have I paid him, a single cent. Yes, he does have paid services, but he does not push it.

If Pete is scammer, he’s certainly a pretty lousy one! You on the other hand, your trolling ass-hat game seem to be right on point.

I’m very surprised that Pete is under scrutiny as he is one of the few mentors that know what the hell he’s doing. I like baby pips for their beginners school and refer people here that are curious about what I do but beyond that, the forum is a joke. Most people that actually make money at this don’t go on forums. Feel lucky that Pete has shared his knowledge.

Wow… after going thru scam artist after scam artist I can tell you Pete isn’t on of them. If someone speaks poorly of him its because they don’t trade with him.

Just how many aliases do you have petefader at least make them plausible, lets hope you’ve leant something from all this, you may know your stuff ,but less arrogance and more humility go a long way and may stop people attacking you then you can get on with helping people which presumably is why you started your main thread.

Didn’t got much time to read previous reply and add something here but in short some one tell me "What kind of war"going on here?

did I just subcribe to wrong thread tittle ?
i thought it’s all about how to spot forex scam, so why there’s a chicken out there ?
@Vaibhav Sinha probably Chicken war!

I’ve always personally considered the definition of arrogance to be “unjustified confidence”. Pete though, has every right to act confidently in his trading and his method. His results speak for themselves, and the endless time he spends helping others online is highly commendable.

IMO, you are the truly arrogant one. Your inability to simply walk away from something you do not like screams of arrogance. Back under the bridge with you!

come back when you have something worthwhile to add.

Let me guess, any opinion that you do not agree with is not worthwhile? Nothing arrogant about that.

starting to sound a bit arrogant yourself there buddy.Read the thread ( Petefader) the last few pages and try to understand where it all went pear shaped ,I mean really read it. Any way Im done.


What started out with me pointing out suspicious fake looking brand new accounts(note: had absolutely nothing to do with petefader) resulted in him trying to goad me and send me pictures of chickens. You gotta ask yourself, this type of behavior makes perfect sense for a “god of trading” ?

Wow… guess haters gonna hate right. Good luck. I’m going back to charts where apparently you should be too.

Can you guys stop abusing eachother ?

lol the thread was dead and done. why bring back up. just my 2 cents