Is there a future in currency trading?

Nice theory! I do envisioned the emergence of a New World Currency that going to replace USD as a medium of exchange for international trades between countries. Will a new fiat money being created? We never know, but my guess is Gold and Silver will once again take place as a medium of exchange that once used around 4000 years ago in the Babypips… I mean, Babylon. What do you think sir? Is there any possibilities? :33:

The One World order and the Illuminati are the favorite theory among the conspiracists who want to believe something organized is operating behinds the scenes of a chaotic world. The theory has been around for a long time without producing any evidence of a global shadow organization puppeteering events to further their cause. It’s akin to the theories that the US faked the lunar landing and that 9/11 was an inside job, theories typically held by the same kind of people.

The point about the USD being replaced as a reserve currency is possible, though not in the near future. It’s important to note this will not be a catastrophic event leading to the collapse of the USD and to global chaos. Before the USD was the global reserve currency, it was the Great Britain Pound that was filling that role. The pound and world economy survived just fine during and after the transition.

The point about a one world government and a single currency is EXTREMELY far fetched though. The eurozone can barely operate together under a single currency as it is, and this is with a membership of geographically close and mostly friendly nations. Monetary policy by the ECB applied to the entire zone is inappropriate for certain specific countries within that zone and end up causing them harm, creating dissent which inevitably leads to anti-euro zone political parties being elected which increase the odds of the zone breaking up.

Now try to imagine non-geographically close, and non friendly nations operating under the same currency with the same monetary policy. Not only is it impossible for political reasons to see the US and Russia and Iran and Israel all using the same currency, it makes no sense from an economic perspective as well. The floating exchange rate is a flexible and powerful tool that acts as a shock absorber for the country that no other tool can replicate. During good economic times, the currency tends to appreciate which acts as a cooling mechanism for inflation by slowing growth and activity to reduce the chances of bubbles forming. During hard economic times, the currency will depreciate, facilitating faster economic growth and recovery.

An example is Japan and its recent quest to lower the yen in order to tackle a specific domestic economic problem. A one world currency would take away this essential tool, would lead to an extremely unbalanced global economy where many member nations would be experiencing bubbles and hyper inflation due to overheating economies while many would be experiencing severe recessions and deflation. Even if it were to be established, these global economic conditions would create so much discontent and backlash that it would be quickly dissolved, with feelings running so high that militaries would get involved.

The chances are infinitely higher that the eurozone breaks up, then that the experiment gets taken to the global level. The world has watched the euro fumble its way through the debt crisis and frankly, it confirms how bad an idea the euro zone was to begin with, and makes any similar attempts in the future for monetary unions even less likely.

The advent of bitcoin does usher in possibilities of a global currency and the benefits that come with it, without eliminating individual countries access to specific monetary policy. Although I think bitcoin is overvalued today, I think it will be here to stay and it has the potential to impact the global economy in some fairly significant ways. It will most likely be the closest thing we see to a global currency, yet it will be so in an environment that still includes all the currencies we see today.

Speaking of the USD decline… anyone read about Putin’s speech last week where he basically said the U.S. poked at Russia too many times and that they may, along with a lot of other heavy hitters, divest themselves of USD?

Bob and I have never saw eye to eye.
Since he appeared on the forum, he’s been chomping @ the bit to negate any post I made.

I’m so flustered @ what was levied against me, that I don’t even know where to begin to try and attempt a defense.

I absolutely hate having to do this…

  1. I have never earned a single $0.01 from anything other than trading my own account, and my own funds.
  2. The only “marketing” I ever did, was to promote my own site, which was just a free blog (more like an online trading journal) available to anyone, which I paid for out of my own pocket (web hosting fees). If you saw any link to any external site, or reference to any thing other than my own material, it was because I found information from that provider useful and wanted to share.
  3. I owned no subscription based service, chat room, forum- nothing. As Bob mentions I “sucked in” a ton of people- what would I be sucking them into? I have no idea what you’re even talking about?
  4. Where is any shred of evidence of any of Bob’s spiteful claims? I’ve seen zero. If he tries to mention the infraction I received from babypips- This warning was because I posted a link to a chart I tweeted about. Nothing more, nothing less. I wasn’t aware we couldn’t share twitter information @ the time.

It’s users like Bob who have complete anonymity and a platform to spew complete venom which isn’t vetted at all. Prove me wrong Bob.

This is one of the main reasons why I took some time off to re-think my approach toward trading. I needed to understand what I was trying to do from an objective viewpoint. I was so enamored with creating a brand for myself that I completely lost focus with the core tenants of trading. Thus why I pulled the website, and shut down all forms of social media- including leaving babypips for a break. If the community at large can’t see what I’m trying to say here, then I’ll ride off into the sunset. Either way, I personally know where my motives are and can honestly give two sh!ts about what one random human on this planet has to say about me. This whole post is contradictory to that statement, which is why I prefaced it with “I absolutely hate having to do this”.

Take it or leave it.

One more thing- “undeserved wealth of knowledge”??
I’ll take the compliment and shove the criticism up your a$$.

Yes there are good future prospective in the currency market, there are many emerging developing countries, which makes future perspective of the market hopeful.