It's possible quit your JOB and live on FOREX?


One way to consider this is to turn the tables:

Can you really live with a job?

Consider money management and ROI:

a) can be fired at any time, or no longer needed

b) now need to find another job at worst possible time

c) encourages taking on debt (bad, bad, bad idea)

…essentially it turns most people into wage slaves, where they get stuff they otherwise wouldn’t need:

~ house near job
~ transportation to/from job
~ clothing, phones, even medical bills

…all related to the accursed job, which isn’t terribly secure in the first place now is it? Very easily to get deep into debt and reinforce the whole stupid thing for a lifetime.

And what does the job actually do?

Make serious money for someone Else!

And odds are, unless you are completely unskilled labour you’ll need to go through as much pain to stay current with your job over time, as it would take to become a decent trader…

I think maybe the more interesting question is: can I be happy at all times, enjoy my time trading, and improve every day? :slight_smile: