Mike Baghdady - Training Traders

You compare someone who has a private dispute - with Bernie Madoff?

Gosh, now I understand what I am dealing with! I honestly don’t think too many traders like myself will have interest in a forum like babypips if it claims to provide honest feedback on trading, but instead indulge on defaming people. As an American I can assure you every second business owner will be subject to a lawsuit. Maybe people in your country don’t understand our business culture, but lawsuits are very common for the smallest issue. You simply cannot avoid them. The more successful you are, the more you tend to be subject to them.

I’ve attended a few workshops I didn’t particularly like but I would never slander them for it. I just have a different preference. They could have just as good intentions as anyone else.

You got no more respect from me, bro. If you got something good to say about people, let us know. Otherwise, why remain on here?

By the way, have you ever even met Mike Baghdady or taken training by him?

Which hedge fund was that?

Baghdady’s company is going to be struck off by Companies House.

Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not? - Page 8

and his former sales manager is suing him

and he was blacklisted by City AM for not paying his bills

Could anyone on here help to answer this question about Mike Baghdady and his Training Traders / Spyglass operation in London.
Why is the so called “Worlds leading expert in Price Behaviour Trading” stuck up in London trying to do what he is doing, doing it badly and far away from his roots?
He is / was a New Yorker and its quite a place to set up and teach people to trade. So why is he in London? Was it because he was avaoiding Robins Futures (he admitted it) and the case they had/ have against him or is there some other reason?
Does not add up - anyone got any ides???

Million Dollar Question

Because you can’t in one breath tell a US bankruptcy court that you’re broke and then advertise that you’re giving a million dollars to new traders. You’d end up in a spot of trouble, or at the very least the court would tell you to pay your fines first.

In my country most billionaire politicians, multinationals and businessman pay less tax then myself (tax that is deducted from my salary auto before reaching me), and all the ways the eat taxes is 100% legal. If M Baghdady even declares in court that he is the poorest man - for me it means nothing as to judge his skills in trading. Its very common practice.

My 2 cents and first post :slight_smile:


The New Turtle Traders project has collapsed, the Turtles are no longer trading and the office is empty. Nobody is even answering the phones. Finally this whole sorry episode has come to an end.

Mike Baghdady - should I take a course or not? - Page 85