MoneyNVRSleeps 5% a day Money Mangement Plan

Well, thats wraps up a productive day, and great experience. learned something new today also,

Time to crack a beer, or scotch, or something, lol…

Sorry I wasn’t there this week. Big Personal Issues.

Keep it up Money I am not sure you are life yet or start on Monday Anyway all the best

Nice to see your charts. Don’t understand them but I am not learning to scalp!

Hey traders, bad day today. Made deposit, you know the rest.

You didn’t blow the whole account, did you? As long as you left enough to fight another day, you can make it back.

+5% I assume…

Hi Money,

How are things going? Well on your way? Piling up the gold chips?

What’s on the lunch menu at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave?

Did Vlad join you?

@MoneyNVRSleeps seriously… Did you hit your goal? You said you weren’t going to post until you hit a million… Are you close?

Enquiring minds want to know!


Not seen Money in quite a while - hope he didn’t jump off a bridge?

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Ditto. I wonder how’s he going?

He’ll be either a millionaire and we won’t hear from him or he’s broke and we won;t hear from him.

Either way, we won’t hear from him how it happened.