My Good Advice For Newie's Name And Shame

That statistic is common knowledge.

Of course the value of the information is different. The effect and intention are different. I am warning people to be careful and he is reading a line about how signal services do not work. He then uses that line turns it into a paragraph attacking every signal service in the world. I am responding directly to posts he makes that are damaging, vague, inconsistent and plagiarized. Not every single bit of generic information in this forum, I never said all conventional wisdom is wrong.

Looks to me like you are doing the same!

Wait a second is that an opinion I am reading? is it being said arrogantly?

:0 seems like you are doing exactly what I do. Where did you get that information from? please list your sources or I will cry and say you are giving opinions only and calling people names.

Does this not seem a little hypocritical to you? You tell me that what I say is opinion based and I am wrong. You are doing the exact same thing, is the advice good because you say its good or is it bad because I say its bad? it all comes down to opinion.

What I see is that day after day the exact same people clamoring for advice. If it worked they would all be millionaire traders by now yet they are still here asking. I have the same people private messaging me for help than I had when I signed up.

You seem to be just as opinionated as me, you say the advice is good I say it isn’t. I did not condemn all the information on this forum only the information that people think is right and post just because they read it. Giving vague, inconsistent advice to new traders is not helping them the proof is that they are all still here wanting advice. (Yes that is an opinion and it is being said arrogantly but you have done that too so do not cry when I do it)

You however are not here for that reason. You come here pretending to crusade for what is right, you give your opinions and call people narrow minded for not agreeing. So you crusade against something which you do openly and freely.

You seem to think I say all cut and pasted advice is bad, I never said that you are putting words in my mouth. I said this:

"Do I even need to touch this one? Most people here share generic ideas that just about every Forex trading ebook from free to $2000 says. The books all say the same thing and so do most of the people here.

Lets ponder this fact for a moment, if 95% of traders fail and 5% succeed why would you do the same as the 95%. You can bet that a huge part of the failures are reading a trading ebook this very minute. A trading ebook filled with the regurgitated crap I see on this forum. Are they winning by reading that? NO! next week they will go back to trading lose more and find a new ebook.

There are people here like jcarrier I am not picking on him but he private messaged me yesterday and I checked his post. He has been asking for help ever since he joined. You can bet that he has read every regurgitate post here and he is still asking for help.

I bragged about my 700 pips a few weeks ago and I will brag about my 400 pips this week. You know what though? I can brag about that and that is something 95% of people here can�t do. They are being blinded by this generic regurgitated material that the 95% of failures consider biblical. Biblical I love that word."

You seem to draw a lot of assumptions from those paragraphs and those assumptions are all that hold steady your argument. I never said all the information here is useless but a vast majority of it is regurgitated and useless. Your opinion is that the information is good and by not agreeing with you I am to you narrow minded. I just stated my opinion not accusing anybody of being narrow minded for not agreeing. Yes I called somebody an idiot for not doing the math before posting. However misused information being the subject at hand I didn’t say he was an idiot for using the information. I gave my opinion which you could and have disagreed with, I said it in a holier-than-though attitude just like you did.

To end this post I will quote part of what you said ‘not all of your ideas happen to be right’.

A lot of the advice I see here is regurgitated advice that does not helps. A lot of the posters here contradict themselves with that same advice every day.

Is all the advice here wrong and did I ever say it was? NO

Is all the advice found in ebooks wrong and did I ever say it was? NO

Is giving advice from the latest ebook you read without knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that the advice is correct right? NO

Is giving some advice one day and contradicting advice the next helping anybody? NO

That is what I have a problem with, I never said I did not like all conventional wisdom.

Ooooops, what’s wrong with these lines, Groovenator?

Quote “This shows just how stupid you are not once did I say guaranteed performance. A money back guarantee is a whole different thing. What have you got to say now man? I’ll give you some time to think it over…”

Is this a high school debating got awry? Did not they teach you in HS, no vulgarity and watch your language??? I can ran a six wheeler thru your flawed logic here but you will have to abide by certain rules for debating in these pages. Other wise, you might just continue rambling, yelling, screaming and namecalling on your own!

[B]1st Rule of Civilty:[/B] No vulgarity ( incase they did not teach you that in HS.)

[B]1st Rule of Trading:[/B] Don’t get too ****y (in case you did not get that message from the Signal Service.)

[B]1st Rule of Success:[/B] Humility!!!

I rest my case.

wow, i am not thinking there is a real holi grali, if posible there are so many Soros :slight_smile: