Oanda MT4 has launched!

Yes Oanda MT4 can use any indicator or expert that works in any other MT4

Yeah, and that’s probably the main reason why they moved to MT4, because they know so many people use crap EAs that lose money.

Oh come one, that’s bordering on slanderous, do you have evidence?

You’re denying that brokers wanna make money in any legal way possible?

Any chance you could answer my question with an answer rather than a question?

thank you going to try to look for it

Old cynical me here!:33: MT4 been out for years Oanda decides to pick it up now?This after reports showing there paying double to retailers then any other broker.The suits and ties must have been bristling at the news.The lastest report i think i saw they lopped off 10 percent of that.Spreads for me on the EUR have increased from .9 too 1.2 (33 percent increase).They must have found out the MT4 is a moneymaker for the industry with people looking for easier ways of trading.If there client base stays the same or increases and they come back to the rest of the herd with there percentages there botton line is gold.

From a business angle, I think Oanda adding MT4 is a no-brainer. They already had a huge chunk of the pie but due to the Love/Hate relationship people seem to have with them, they were isolating an entire chunk of that pie. Now they can meet the needs of two GIANT chunks of pie. I would not be surprised if their move to include MT4 will double their client base in very short order.

My ONLY concern is their ability to scale quickly to support this demand, and also the demands MT4-bots might place on their infrastructure that could affect discretionary traders. I feel confident that they are pioneers in this industry and will get it right.