"Quotes" worth quoting

depends what $exual preferences someone has. i forgot americans have a product for everything :smiley:

no idea who this originated from but the message is relevant

What the hell is that supposed to mean?


It’s a simple question, pal. — Are you going to answer it?


[I]There are no facts, only interpretations[/I] - Friedrich Nietzsche

More than relevant.

May I share a video and 2 quotes I just happened on recently, this pic reminds me of them:

No idea where it came from but it rings true to me:


sorry clint. i didnt see your post before.

yellow snow is snow someone pee’d on. its supposed to be a funny saying over here. so eating yellow snow means eating snow with “pee” flavour.

and since R. Kelly (famous american singer) “pee” in human “mouths” is considered a weird “$exual” practice.

[I]Idealism increases in direct proportion to one’s distance from the problem. [/I]- John Galsworthy

“Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.”

[I]The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. [/I]- Hellen Keller

Death is not the greatest loss in life. The greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.""
— Norman Cousins

[I]Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.[/I] - Confucius

"Fascism will come at the hands of perfectly authentic Americans
who have been working to commit this country to the rule of the bureaucratic state;

interfering in the affairs of the states and cities;

taking part in the management of industry and finance and agriculture;

assuming the role of great national banker and investor, borrowing billions every year
and spending them on all sorts of projects through which such a government
can paralyze opposition and command public support;

marshaling great armies and navies at crushing costs to support the industry of war
and preparation for war which will become our nation’s greatest industry;

and adding to all this the most romantic adventures in global planning, regeneration, and domination,
all to be done under the authority of a powerfully centralized government in which the executive
will hold in effect all the powers, with Congress reduced to the role of a debating society."

John T. Flynn, [I]As We Go Marching[/I] (1944)
as quoted by James Dale Davidson in his book
[I]The Age of Deception[/I] (2015) Delray Beach Publishing


[I]I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination. [/I]- Jimmy Dean

Once we accept our limits, we go beyond them. © Albert Einstein
This is the most encouraging for me in trading and in the whole life.

We can make ourselves miserable, sad, depressed and hopeless or we can make ourselves stronger, wiser, sharper. The amount of energy invested on both is the same.Perhaps even more when we become bitter and resentful. So channel your energy towards doing positive things.