Retail Traders vs Brokers

Hi there I’m looking for a successful mentor is someone can help me ?

I’m sure there are a number of people here that would kindly point you in the right direction. I’m not so sure they would have the time to go through a formal mentor-ship nor would I advise you to follow any particular individual + investment advice (we are all learning): you would have to develop a trading style that works for your particular personality type, long term goals, account balance, available screen time and unique skill set etc…

I hope you’ve gone through the school of pipsology material from A to Z. It’s a bit over-simplified but t definitely a good starting point. How would you characterize your current learning + how much experience do you have, live and demo.

School of pipsology is amazing it helped me a lot to understand all about forex. then I did trading on demo with its help . I can say it proved a best mentor for me. I got experience of trading now I can earn good amount of profit as a trader . I am not broker I work through a broker who connects me to forex market.

Hi imbest may I know how long you have been trading ?