Seducing the Royal Lady EURUSD on a daily basis

Confusion is the middle stage from which two possible outcome can happen. Clarity and Resignation

Something you desire and embrace it. It bit you and made you feel bad. Now you are confused. Initially you thought it is going to make you happy. That is why you embraced it in the first place. Instead of happiness you are miserable now. So your initial perception is contradicting with the data on hand. You now have two choices:
CHOICE-1: By God, I am going to see the end of it or die trying.
CHOICE-2: this is not my cup of tea and move on

only you can make the choice and no body knows how the choice will turn out (even the person making the choice wouldn’t know)

The reason is we don’t know what we are capable of. Only the circumstances can reveal our true nature. We have some idea of what/who we are, based on the past experience. So essentially what we have is a perception about ourselves! The future experience (data) may resonate with our experience or it may contradict. If it contradict, will we be ready to change our perception of ourselves? If every time we change the perception of ourselves, then who we really are?

[B]I think you should give up trading and become a poet or a philosopher - you seem to be good at that!!![/B]

Seducing Money! its a dirty one everyone wants to fondle it :wink: