The Harmonic Traders

Is this topic still on?
I am one year in forex. Is anyone starting to learn harmonic trading?
How to learn this subject? I am reading books, but I cant see (yet) ab-cd. I am mixing it up with 5 waves.
I feel so confused :frowning: Some tips, guys?

The question is for liftoff, who started this thread its a response to his first post.

Why you want both?
I can talk about harmonics, but only on private forum with focus groups with intelligent people, not with newbies.

I made this mistake when I posted my harmonic pattern back in the day and newbies made total Chaos from it. Its not worth my time to talk with newbies, so my question to You is why You are interested in newbies?

BTW, my harmonic pattern was before even Scott discovered his new pattern…