Timeframes Are Doing My Head In..!

[B]baz1982[/B], great article explaining the “classic” triple screen multi-time-frame trading concept and how to use the 1:4 to 1:6 ratios.

[B]sharpturn,[/B] here are three links to babypips threads that present and discuss the practical application of the concept explained in the dailyFx article.




Read the dailyFX article and then take a look at the three threads, hopeful it will all help.

I personally experienced the power of trading with multiple time frame analysis. i believe its the most potent analysis ever.

check out the book: [B][U]what millionaire traders know and desperately want to keep secret[/U][/B] on amazon. it will give a very clear practical application on multiple time frame trading.

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I use multiple time frames to determine trends also. And I am still Mr. Newbie. I haven’t perfected it yet. But I will! Right now, I use the higher frames to determine the overall sentiment of the market, Bearish, Bullish or congesting. Then I go to the lower frames all the way down to the 5 and 1 minute frames to determine the direction of an entry. Usually after an economic event. Bullish candle, go bullish, bearish candle go bearish. I guess a move within a move you could call it.