What happens when you blow an account

Putting myself in that position. I’d stop trading, re-evaluate where I went wrong and re-fund my account with a small amount and carry on trading.

No… put efforts in learning SKILL and then follow 1st choice.

hahaha yeah thats pretty much it! blowing an account is like having a news one with a balance of 0 :smiley:


I think you should stop trading. Maybe it is a sign for you LOL

Take care and don’t risk!

There is no one who likes to face Margin Call in forex trading but Margin Call (blown your account) is not the end of your business if you still had confidence that you can be successful in this business. But you need to learn what made you face Margin Call and how to fix it. Usually, the problem is about your money management in transaction or your psychology control during trading. So, you need to evaluate your mistake in order to be better in the next transaction and you won’t blow your account anymore.

Well speaking from experience the feeling is definitely not good, but if you really want to succeed in trading than that shouldn’t bother you a lot. That is just a part of the learning process. You are going to make new deposit and continue with trading just this time try to learn something from your previous mistakes.

I try to analyze what went wrong, what mistakes I made. After that make new deposit.

When ever you blow up an account the only mistake you make is poor money management + greed. Try to get rid of these and your accounts will remain safe for ever.

So if you blow an account do you have to pay back the money or does it report as credit?